
Isn't it stupid when someone says "stop complaining, you live in America"?

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Yes, we have it good (relatively) but that's because our forefathers killed and died for our freedom. Billions in tax revenue gone missing, blatant disregard for the constitution, economic crisis...and we're supposed to stop complaining because we don't have to build our houses with cow ****...but then what will we do when we have to build our houses with cow ****? be gratefull? Why can't we reap the fruits of our labor and know that our taxes are benefiting the masses, not the few?




  1. personally, i think that it is very stupid. i see more to complain about in America than not. gas, crazy people....

  2. I have been in east Africa for the last two years no that's dead on. Anytime I fret over trivial things i think of just one of the skinny *&^ people waking around here that just try to survive the day.

  3. yeah i think it is stupid. But it depends on what they are complaining about.

  4. I never hear anyone say that. Honestly it is our right and duty to complain. But, you need to know the best way to do it.

    Good example: call, write letters, email and fax your members of congress.

    Bad example: Protest marches, boycotts, flag burning etc. (They don't work and alienate the public).

  5. Seriously  

    The  US of A is  in serious  danger  of  becoming  a second  rate  power.

    Its  people  have  spent  the  better  part  of  the last  65 years  since  ww2 saying  how  great  they  are and  then  resting on  their  laurels


    Some  Go-getters  like  Biil Gates have  changed  the  world for  the  better  and  thats  great but  then  you  turn  on him and  complain when  he  makes  too  much  money.

    You  turn  to  pop stars  for  spiritual  gudance  and  you put  clowns  like  george  bush  in the  White  House..

    I admit  our  Canadian  prime  ministers  lack  personality  sometimes  but  i have  to  admit  that  even  the  ones  i disagree  with on principles (like  the  current  one) are  more  intelligent than  eight  of your  last  ten presidents.

  6. Revs from that time if they could have seen even previous times like the Mcarthyite witch hunts would have had another one. Un Americans indeed. Can't see the people already living there part of previous nations destroyed by Americans. The First Nations The Native Americans. As to the rest abolish war through unarmed peace marches. Community Currencies

  7. not really, we complain a lot.

  8. most people who say that have actually visited places like oh, I don't know, third world countries?????  you don't know how good you really have it till you go somewhere else, man.  Seriously.

  9. americans complain a lot.

  10. depends on what you are complaining about

  11. I don't know about stupid.  Sometimes it's stupid, I guess, but more often such a retort is sanctimonious, hypocritical, ignorant, nationalist or a combination thereof and used as a kind of 'last retort' to push another to shut up by talking down to them.

    As in -you should feel badly that you are complaining about anything when people in such-and-such live in tents and btw, we are so great we do no wrong and there is nothing wrong here because I don't think it's wrong.  Nevermind that you are complaining because certain things should never happen here, they don't even know why those people live in tents and yes, even here, wrongs have been committed, things go awry and you don't agree with them and think it is wrong.

    Though people do it all the time, living in America apparently means you do not have the right to complain.  I shudder to think what those who founded this country would think of that.  This is usually because "everywhere else is so much worse".  Well, that's a matter of personal opinion on many levels and I hate to break it to some of these people but that depends on what is *better* to you.  Some people think it's better when we move toward oligarchy, or theocracy, or (true) democracy, or a socialist or communist state.  All the while, failing to understand that all of those violate (my/your/our) Constitutional rights and the basic fundamental - "Discussion in America means dissent.".

    Oh, and since I mentioned the Constitution... that pesky ammendment, for some people, it doesn't cover what they don't like.

  12. In fact ours and the worlds "standard" of living has increased.

    The middle class today lives better than kings of olde.

    There's dvd & computers in nearly every home.  Our economy has continued to grow by leaps.

    Not only is the USA the richest country in the world, we've lead other nations out of abject poverty at the same time.

    Poverty is at the lowest point in world history.

    Nearly 500 million chinese are no longer starving to death.

    The USA is a much better place today than in the past.  The world is in a much better place than in the past, except i wouldn't want to live in most of those places.

    Yes stop complaining.

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