
Isn't it that bio-fuels and hybrids are blocking the way for better vehicles?

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Isn't it that bio-fuels and hybrids are blocking the way for better vehicles?




  1. I don't believe that bio fuels are the answer we can't grow enough food to feed the whole world without squandering food sources on the ever growing need for fuel and energy.

  2. if something better comes along, they will be replaced.

    technology doesnt always take giant leeps.

  3. No.

    If a better option truly is "better" then nothing will stop it.

    Some people are getting all excited about bio fuels and hybrid cars because they are easier than options like the air-powered car or doing without a car at all but when those options become easier, cheaper and/or more convenient than hybrids or bio fuels then people will quickly switch to using them.

    For now, plenty of vehicile owners are investigating extra, free power to assist the fossil-fuel powered engines.  Cargo ships are using enourmous kites to help power the boat and there is plenty of interest in adding solar panels to cars and trucks to reduce the power needed to recharge the batteries.

  4. Have you not wached CNN yesterday ? A guy prooving that with algae enormous amounts of bio-fuels can be made!

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