
Isn't it time for Obama to go after McCain for his role in the "Keating 5?"-At best McCain's judgement-poor.

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Isn't it time for Obama to go after McCain for his role in the "Keating 5?"-At best McCain's judgement-poor.




  1. it doesnt surprise me. Mccain is a leech, and a pimp. He married Cindy Henslet, and later became one of the heads of her fathers Busch beer company. and the company and its workers, almost entirely white, donated hundreds of thousands to Mccains senate campaigns. had it not been for Cindy's powerfully rich family, Mccain would not have been elected in the first place. people do your research. Poor say the least. If nothing at all, Mccain is an opportunists who married well, and made friends in high places to further his own politics and pockets. The Keating 5, haviing 4 dem, and Mccain shows the corruption in politics. Its on both sides people.But for mccain to tout poor judgement on Obama's end, but ignore his own numerous faults in judgement is horendous. Mccain is a crook with the money and friends to hide it.

  2. Well considering mcain and one other senator were cleared from the charges it could backfire.  Doesnt mean mcain didnt have anything to do with it.  Just means he cover his A@@.

  3. Obama will, his handlers are just waiting for the right time. You are correct the time maybe now.

  4. wishing to see that ad. I remember that whole mess and was so surprised to see then just slapped on the hand for their poor judgment which cost the tax payers so much  

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