Why is it we're so dependent on the fossil fuels? Our country has a vast number of resources to research and develop new sources of energy, in fact, the technology is available. This country would be better off without having to use oil and other carbon based fuels. Wouldn't it be great if the energy was not monopolized by a few oil barons? Wouldn't it be great if we could find a source of energy that doesn't wreak havoc on mother earth? Wouldn't it be great if we could stop being so entangled with the middle eastern countries' politics and just give them "the finger" because we wouldn't need their precious oil? We have the technology to do all of this. We could create a cheaper, cleaner source of energy and we could leave the middle east to go back to whatever they were doing prior to the discovery of oil. Am I the only one who thinks this world needs a kick in the a**?