
Isn't it time for a new source of energy?

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Why is it we're so dependent on the fossil fuels? Our country has a vast number of resources to research and develop new sources of energy, in fact, the technology is available. This country would be better off without having to use oil and other carbon based fuels. Wouldn't it be great if the energy was not monopolized by a few oil barons? Wouldn't it be great if we could find a source of energy that doesn't wreak havoc on mother earth? Wouldn't it be great if we could stop being so entangled with the middle eastern countries' politics and just give them "the finger" because we wouldn't need their precious oil? We have the technology to do all of this. We could create a cheaper, cleaner source of energy and we could leave the middle east to go back to whatever they were doing prior to the discovery of oil. Am I the only one who thinks this world needs a kick in the a**?




  1. The people who inhabit this world need a great big kick in the bum!!!! we all need to wake up and smell the coffee and open our eyes to what we are doing to mother earth.

    God must be shaking his head at us.

  2. AMEN Brother!!!  The fact of the matter is that we are too dependent on the Middle East for our oil.  In fact, I believe that we are actually paying the terrorists over there.  How do you think they get all this money to be able to do different things all over the world.  In my opinion, the oil companies will eventually gouge themselves out of a job because sooner or later, the people of this Earth are going to get sick and tired of having to pay so much and will look toward other fuels that will be much cheaper and hopefully much more Earth friendly.

  3. Amen!

    People always claim that oil and coal are the cheapest forms of energy.  While right now this is true, cleaner alternatives are coming closer and closer to filling that gap every day.  But if you take into consideration how much money the US spends on securing our oil supplies, I don't think oil is cost competitive at all!  Think of how much $ we could save by pulling our troops out of Iraq!!  Oh, I forgot, we're in Iraq to spread democracy to those people.  But we're still spending money on our military in Saudi Arabia and that region to secure the Straights of Hormuz, where 25% of the world's crude oil passes through every day.

  4. so many possibilities.

    "Not in my backyard". is the reply from too many people.

    Seems they all want new sources, but don't want it in their neighborhoods.

  5. I agree wholeheartedly with you.  However, the reality of the situation is that the most cost efficient and plentiful energy source today is oil.  Only when the price of oil reaches a certain price will other technologies become more affordable.  We shouldn't fool ourselves into thinking that ethanol is a viable long term solution.  Either is hydrogen.  Both forms of energy require more energy (in another form) to be created before they can be transformed into combustible energy for transportation.

    The main source of energy consumption that developed countries are dependent on Middle Oil are the sources of energy for operating machines and engines for transportation (ie.  automobiles, boats, cars, trucks, ships, jets, airplanes, helicopters, tanks).

    Maybe electric cars are viable but I'm not sure.  We need to focus on this a priority but also be realistic that today, the need for oil is paramount and the need for oil, and a potential replacement will have a huge impact on all aspects of human life.

    The US and Canada have a lot of renewable energy resources that we need to focus on.  Primarily, wind, solar, hydroelectric.  We also have huge deposits of natural gas which somewhat of a substitute to oil.  And we have to explore the option of expanding the number of nuclear power plants we currently have.  Only then can we hope to become free of middle east oil dependency.

  6. it was time for a source of energy 50 years ago for what it was intended for

    the model A was spouse to run on ethanol(oil from corn)

    the diesel engine was for peanut oil

  7. OK, which non fossil fuel power plant can they build within sight of your hot tub?

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