
Isn't it time for all you liberals and environment wack jobs to admit that Global Warming is a THEORY??

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And only a theory?

For the past 400,000 years, temperature and CO2 levels have varied together. However, the Earth’s temperature has consistently risen and fallen hundreds of years prior to increases and declines in CO2 levels.

The earth gets warm. The earth gets cold. Get over it.




  1. Of course it's a theory.

    So are gravity and evolution.  The scientific evidence showing that humans are the primary cause of global warming is almost as strong as the evidence proving the evolutionary theory.

    The fact that CO2 did not initiate global warming historically (when there were no sources emitting vast amounts of CO2 as humans are now) doesn't mean that CO2 can't initiate global warming.  That's a rather ignorant argument.

    We know CO2 is a greenhouse gas.  We know it's caused global warming in the past (it amplified a global warming that had already been initiated).  If a bunch of CO2 is released, of course it will cause global warming by increasing the greenhouse effect.  That's very basic science.  If you can't understand that, then you don't understand the science behind global warming well enough to form an informed opinion about it, and I suggest you do some reading.

  2. And the melting polar ice caps is just our imagination right?

    And the Northwest Passage being open for the first time this early in known memory?

    Or how about Lake Michigan dropping to levels not seen in 52 years?

    2 trillion gallons of water LOST in the last couple of years.

    Or how about Humberto intensifying to a Category 1 hurricane in just 16 hours of being over open water--from a tropical storm the day before? (Hint: It took 3-4 days for a tropical storm (on average) to intensify to hurricane strength.)

    Just a theory right?

  3. geez the ignorance lol here we have a man the states unequivocally that climate change is only a theory, something for what there are mountains of proof and countless studies. And I'm willing to bet my last penny that he believes in an afterlife or a God of some sort, something for which there is not one iota of evidence.  Too funny...

    I bet he listens to Rush and Oreilly too :-)

  4. So George Bush is now a liberal?  He is dealing with it.

  5. OK its a theory, so what does it hurt if you pretend its true

  6. yes,but Bush is the elected leader and it is disrespectful for you to call him a whack job. global climate change is real and a result of mans actions

  7. The public loves to be scared. I wouldn't be surprised if they passed a law that every night was Halloween. But if they can get a $500,000 grant to chase Global Warming, second-hand smoke,  the Duck Flu or poisonous mosquitoes from Tasmania....and we are working every day for a Simon Legree boss for a couple of bucks....who is the real "whacko"?

  8. Well if they admit it's a theory, then the Democrats won't be able to give away anymore entitlement grant money for research, will they.

  9. AL GORE is their GOD.  They don't have a brain so how could they admit the truth.

  10. no need to call names.  Just for the record when has it been this bad and heading for worse that people and or animal where not wiped out! Do you see any dinosaurs? Do we know what happen...I think we should be looking and testing so you will not be studied later.

  11. Man is 100% responsible for global warming.

    Send all of your donations to Al Gore's bank account.

    That is if you have the intellectual prowess of a chicken.

  12. But if Al Gore hadn't invented global warming how would he have gotten the consulting deals and stock options worth billions of dollars from both Google and Apple?

    Looks like Soros has his hands and money in a lot of places also, anyone figure out how you give $720,000 to a NASA employee who is shilling globull warming and no one says anything? Inquiring minds want to know. I understand the Tides foundation, you know who funds them, also threw $250,000 at NASA’s Hansen. Interesting.

  13. Put this one on them too. NASA was on board with the whole global warming lie and used bogus numbers to justify it. Imagine, the commucrats had NASA, a respected government agency agreeing with them and justifying their lies. It was front page news for the communist rag New York Times. Then one of their scientist jumped ship and let other media outlets know that the numbers were bogus and he showed the actual numbers from NASA. The correction was on page 14 of the commy rag. No wonder their lies and the NYT is headed south for the winter. I laugh every day when I look at their stock value, down 45% and their reader numbers down around the same percentage. I wish Murdock would buy them out and clean house, like he wants to at the DOW.

  14. I direct you to the chart below, there is a very high correlation between CO2 levels and global temperature.  it is true that we are not at the highest temperature even in the last thousand years, but our CO2 level has exploded over a very short time, and any lag between CO2 levels and tempreature would ensure that we are not feeling the heat(literally) yet.

  15. environment "wack jobs"?  Can you be any more subjective with your question?  Don't believe everything Glen Beck tells you.  The scientific community knows a heck of a lot more than he does.

  16. Yes, but that will not happen as it is a political movement first and foremost.  And like all political movements it is not about facts or reasoning it is about power over others lives.  

    It is easily disproved, at least the ice caps melting will drown us all hysteria.  Try this in your own home:

    1.Fill a glass with crushed Ice

    2.Put enough water to bring the level up to the rim

    3. Allow the ice to melt

    4 observe that the water level goes down slightly as the ice melts.

    5 Extrapolate that the ocean is just a big glass

    6. Draw the inference.

    But lets not let physics get in the way of such a lovely theory.

  17. No because it is a religion to them.  Admitting this means that they have to admit they are fools and believe the false.

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