
Isn't it time for another Model "T" ??

by  |  earlier

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The Ford Model "T" sold over 15 million copies. It was cheap to buy, simple to drive, cheap to maintain. But most of all, it was made so the driver could fix it himself, or herself. Do you think North America could use such a vehicle in modern times??




  1. We have one, its called a Buick.

    I have two of them and with a 85 dollar code reader and a 15 dollar manual you can literally rebuild the entire car in the driveway.

    I did exactly that with one of them.

  2. That's why my trucks old.  30 years old.  Nice and simple.  On our farm, we've got equiptment from the '50s and '60s.  We're smart.  We keep it simple!

  3. Absolutely.  You have nailed it.  There is a great need today for a car that doesn't say "ruin me!".  We are currently watching a global financial meltdown caused only by stupid debt, and the main driver for stupid debt is people buying expensive, depreciating, new cars that they don't know how to take care of.

  4. It's a great idea, but it's not possible to bring such a vehicle to market in this country.  EPA and NHTSA requirements prevent the old "shade tree mechanic" from being able to work on most new vehicles.  Now you need a manufacturer specific electronic interface to obtain "check engine" codes from the vehicle.  Without that you don't know what the problem is that your trying to resolve.  Could be an issue with the airbags, evaporative emission system, or a ton of other functions.

  5. The EPA would never allow it.  End users are to stupid these days in the eyes of the govt and the car manufacturers.  Besides US consumers love thier fancy extras that most average home mechanics can't even begin to diagnose and repair.

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