
Isn't it time for me to end our friendship?

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I have been friends with my "best friend" for almost 2 years but now I think its time for me to drop her from my life.

Reasons: D's major jealousy issues is the main reason why. She wants people to accept her for who she is but has trouble of doing the same for others ex) D doesn't like to keep her self up but I accept that BUT she has a problem with my need to look nice at all times. She even gives me a cold shoulder if I receive compliments for how I look and goes as far to say I look bad . Recently one of my friends, Meg, confessed that she and D have been talking behind my back and apologized for being so underhanded. (Meg even had me to listen in on one of their phone conversations and its true that D has been bad mouthing me behind my back) I'm seriously done with her jealousy and BS!

What is the best way to tell her I don't want to be friends with her calmly and without it escalating into a huge fight (if that's possible)?




  1. I don't see this ending nicely.  You went behind her back and listened in on a conversation she thought was private.  You can't bring that up, or fists and hair WILL be a flyin'.  Just stop hanging out with her.  It sounds like you two have been over for a while, just let it go.  If she asks why, let her know that she isn't very nice and that you have heard that she is saying mean things about you behind your back.  Just calmly say that you don't think that it would be a good idea to hang out anymore.  If she escalates it, walk away.  

  2. how about something like---we don't have much in common any more or just make polite excuses not to go any where or be at the same places as her,don't answer any calls and say you have been too busy i'm sure she'll get the picture.

  3. straight up tell her that you dont think you too should be friends anymore that you too dont personalities dont mesh with one another and if she starts fighting with you walk away you dont have to put up with that bs, or just ignore her shes being that big of a ***** then you dont really oh her anything. GOOD LUCK!!!

  4. she is not a friend  just stop being available.  If she asks you to join her for lunch just say I have other plans.  Do not give in.  find something else to do even if it is going to the library by yourself. That could be your other plans.

  5. This honestly sounds like a poisonous relationship for you. You do not need to be feeling this way. You honestly need to consider your personal  happiness when considering ending a friendship, if it is in your best interest end it. The best way to end it is in private so she does not feel like a fool or feel like she needs to create a scene. Just simply be like I think I may need some space to figure somethings out. She should understand. From how you described this chick is not making you feel good about yourself, which is not good so I believe this is in your best interest.

    Good Luck!

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