
Isn't it time politicians quit giving so much money to the media to get them to help them get elected?

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Isn't it a waste of money anyway?

No body pays a whole lot of mind to what the media says anyway except to repeat what they have repeated 24/7.

Doesn't it seem stupid to spend millions of $$ to campaigne for a job that doesn't return that amount of money if you won and were presindent for 10 years.




  1. They don't exactly "give money to the media" in the sense you are implying - I don't think you understand it.   They may spend money for commercials - and statistics show that to do so is very effective in garnering votes.

  2. It's not politicians, it's private interest groups.  Example Geore Sors and Media Matters reated a slush fund of 40 million to lie about McCain to get Obama elected.  MOve on is a private organization using soft money contributions (which need to be outlawed) to llie about McCain, there is no regulation, there is no sense of responsibility.

  3. What do you mean by "giving so much money to the media"? If you are referring to buying ads, I'm not sure how to change the need for ads.  I think we should shorten our campaign season.  That would radically reduce the amount of money spent on campaigns.

    Democrats 2008

  4. Seems the intent of your question is not resonating. Elections

    are being bought by the candidates using the media. This

    is the system since the 60's. It has been wrong since the

    60's.  No television ads on MSM period. Unless the other

    party can run a in kind rebuttle.

    Debates should all be on PBS. No mainstream Media.

    Moderators should not be news people. They should be

    experts from the school of debate. Questions should

    come un-scripted. You either know the answer or you don't.

    Your voting record should be placed in the Public forum.

    Showing what you have supported and what you havent.

    This would be a election. Not a buyers venue.

  5. Well, what it costs to become President isn't the issue. It's your name in history books, the lucrative book deals, the even more lucrative speaking engagements and your place in history. The job only pays $200,000, yet the people that want the job know it is worth multi millions. Then throw in all the perks that come along with the title.

  6. this nation is a democracy built around wealth .

  7. So, are those ads supposed to be free?

    And no one is president for 10 years.

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