
Isn't it time?..................?

by  |  earlier

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that pedophiles had to go before the childs parents as apposed to a judge!

Sentencing is ludicrous in this country!!!!




  1. We can't go taking the law into our own hands as you know where that would lead. Don't think for one moment that I'm some bleeding heart liberal, as you couldn't be further from reality. The judges hands are often tied in these cases and don't you think that he may have had children and probably grandchildren. If the likes of that scum so much as smiled at my kids he'd be taking his own life. The thing is where would it get me, when all I really want is the likes of him removed from the planet. So until we have laws stating that child molesters forfeit the right to live amongst human beings we're stuck with them.

  2. Yes and 'golden' has said it for me.This is truly sickening and beyond comprehension......

  3. yes!!!!!

  4. With even the medical people agreeing that these people can not be cured it is time that we all say one offense is enough that these people should never be allowed in society again.  Kill them or lock them up and throw away the key!!!  The media would be of better service to the people if they reported when they are released from prison so that we can treat them as a public health and safety hazard that they are.  Then every parent could be warned.  If we can not label them on their foreheads, a cop should be assigned to keep them in view 24 hours a day for the rest of their lives.

  5. OMG of course they shud..sentencing in this country is pathetic for any crime ..thats why they just go out and do it again, when will the goverment ever glad ive had my time at giving birth...wudnt want to bring another child into this world with the way it is !!

  6. Yeah! I totally agree with you! >:[

  7. Oh God, no matter how often I read these stories, and how much I know it happens, I always feel shocked.

    I feel so sickened by what I just read ~ I hope someone tears him limb from limb, and I am usually quite even tempered.

  8. Well said. totally agree with you. Let the parents be armed too!!!

  9. no,justice should always be tempered with mercy,my proposal would be to give them to a lynch mob composed of general members of the populace

    quicker into h**l for the scum,oh, and the judge needs a good kicking as well

  10. Firstly the Judge in this case should be hanged!!These monsters should be stoned to death their is NO CURE!!! It must be peado paradise un-educated children and paltry sentencing i bet Gary Glitter is missing the place.A 64years on the planet how many abuses do you think this peice of $hit has been involved in?

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