
Isn't it time the world got together and told the n**i capitalists to stop destroying our rain forests?

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The n**i capitalists (western europe and u.s) have been involved in cutting down rain forests ever since the days of colonialism.Then the chopped timber was used to build thier War ships, masses of railway sleepers for railway tracks and for decorative furniture in thier Mansions and stately homes, now it's chopped down to make furniture and decorative rails and mouldings for thier homes and the bare land is used to grow non food crops like palm oil and soya crops to feed thier cattle.If you look at the movies and tv series of the 50, 60 and 70's nearly all most governement buildings in the u.s had hardwood paneling made from chopped down rain forests. Paraguay, indonesia, borneo ,brazil ,africa have all had thier rain forests chopped down in thier millions of square kilimetres to feed the filthy greedy n**i habits of the west. I'd say nuke the n***s and save what nature provided us and the wildlife that lives there for millions of years.




  1. Have you considered counseling, medical help maybe.

  2. Better stopped now before it's too late for all humans and all the wildlife!

  3. Amazing how idiots can use a computer (thank n**i capitalists) to complain while on the Internet (thank those n**i capitalists again) about the destruction of something they don't even own.

  4. I'll tell you what.  We n**i Capitalists will stop when blithering idiots like you stop buying our products.  I suppose you don't have a car, TV, IPod, clothing, etc...

  5. "You're gonna have a lot of time to do your doobie rolling, when you're living in a van...down by the river!"

    -Matt Foley, motivational speaker

  6. The rain forest is doing great. Man has throne every thing at it he can and the trees still grow better than ever.

  7. n**i capitalists???

    Jackass, the forests are being burned by poor peasants trying to expand their crop growing lands. Unfortunately, their farming methods destroy the already-poor soil, so they need to expand again and again.

    Capitalists know that valuable pharmaceuticals are hiding in those forests.

    And all the south american 'n***s' are in their 80's and 90's. Most are already dead.

    Give it a rest!

  8. Unfortunately it is the strong World governments who are behind it ,

    that is the whole problem

  9. there is more forest destruction going on in south America and Asia than there is in Europe, have you read anything about where china is getting its timber from ?

  10. n**i capitalist is an oxymoron.  Capitalists are not n***s, and n***s are not capitalists.  n**i is an acronym National Socialist Party (in German).  Note that's Socialist, not capitalist.  Also, strictly speaking, the only n***s are members of the n**i party.

    Tuba, you are also obviously totally ignorant of political/economic systems,  n***s were indeed socialists, just not communists.  Do you even know what a socialist is?  If they were not socialists, then how come all of the factors of production in n**i Germany were under direct government control and ownership.  The classic example of this was Volkswagen (which incidently means peoples car, hows that for a good socialist name).  Created at the command of Adolf Hitler himself.  

    You obviously have a lot to learn about political systems.  You also have a lot to learn about who does what in what countries.  I suspect that every tree cut down in any rain forest you want to mention was cut by a citizen of the country it was in, and certainly not by capitalists from Western Europe or the U.S.  

    Most of the hard wood paneling I have seen is made from Oak, Ash and Elm, all of which came from either Europe or North America and none of which came from any rain forest.  Can you provide me with a single example of where I can find this rain forest derived hardwood paneling in the U.S.  If not, please be so kind as to shut your cake hole until you have at least a basic understanding of wood.

  11. Voice of Reason, technically the n**i's were not Socialists, they just used the term.  The n**i's and Fascists represent the Ultra Right, as the Socialists and Communists represent the Ultra left.

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