The n**i capitalists (western europe and u.s) have been involved in cutting down rain forests ever since the days of colonialism.Then the chopped timber was used to build thier War ships, masses of railway sleepers for railway tracks and for decorative furniture in thier Mansions and stately homes, now it's chopped down to make furniture and decorative rails and mouldings for thier homes and the bare land is used to grow non food crops like palm oil and soya crops to feed thier cattle.If you look at the movies and tv series of the 50, 60 and 70's nearly all most governement buildings in the u.s had hardwood paneling made from chopped down rain forests. Paraguay, indonesia, borneo ,brazil ,africa have all had thier rain forests chopped down in thier millions of square kilimetres to feed the filthy greedy n**i habits of the west. I'd say nuke the n***s and save what nature provided us and the wildlife that lives there for millions of years.