
Isn't it time to audit Obama's campain funds????

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There is way to much money for it to be just small donations, over 1.5 billion and it seems that a large ammount can't be traced, some that has been seems to come out of the Mideast and Red China......................




  1. Yes. .But don't act surprised when you find out .Most people already have guessed where it's come from.  leave it up to Bill O'reilly . sure he checking things out now. He has twenty questions he wants to ask Obama. and sure this is one of them.

  2. NO, and your facts are way off.  But I wonder are you going to request an audit of John Sidney's campaign funds?

  3. The campaign's regularly report campaign finance.  He has not raised anywhere close to 1.5 billion and the lie that much of his campaign funding has come from middle eastern or chinese sources has already been shown for what it is--a complete lie.

  4. They do need to investigate his campaign funds. Lets face it, look at his endorsers and the income we are talking about. Many are college students, many who do not even work and many who work at low paying jobs. Is he trying to tell us all these people sent him an average of $68 each in june? has an article about his campaign funds. It seems billions have been sent from the middle east, Iran, communist china. He is even running a raffle for campaign funds which is illegal in many states. The media continues to cover for him.

  5. obama,barack obama ,need to b audited on his faith and how easily he abandoned islam and joined black chistian church. and he the church of faith over twenty years ; hedistanced from rev wright who was obama's mentor; obama's natural birth records nee to be audited or scrutinized if money game was involved in manipulation of his data of truthful birth. dr kamal karna k roy a guam borm poor ordained clergy settled in new york since 1968 and a u s gop hopeful and one of the mr  cleanest in gop leadership,challeged in the united states district court fo the norther district of floridai tallahassee, florida civil rights violation complaints that john mcain's birth in canal zon in 1936 was not supported by natural birth citizenship although he had us citizen parents. viz a military personel, offspring  if was born in bangladesh  or kenia  is no natural born pursuat to u s constitution as u s constitution  used differen terms for u s born citizenship and naturalized citizenship. naturilized citizens may not be allowed to  be elected.obama and/of mccain are not born citizen, even naturalized citizen of u s a as the process was evaded for mccain and obama.. Homeland security dept must run check if such person even were not naturalized could be elected as u s  senator. evasion of any law are felony crimes by u s statute. obama was born in a earthly location of nature over 50 miles away from hawaian island, when  island was a u s territory . we have evidence that  a white lady of origin at hawaii delivered a baby boy on a trip back to hawaian island, over 5o miles away from u s territory . except law of human_gods ,no l us law provided baby obama u s citizenship of any kind. as usa has jungle democratic syndromes for oppression to weaker people with cat and mouse doctrines of oppressions on weaker people by powerfuls og all kinds, the rev dr roy was being a member of weaker communities as he had been clergy on vow of poverty,i r s  rule of u s dept of treasury. roy roy feels that obama or mccain were evading laws and oppressing agents to deprieve kamal roy u s presidenct's job of u s eletoral competition for u s president of nov 4, 200. However dr  roy shall move to higher courts of appeala in us court of appeals for the circuit  and finally move to u  supreme court, washington dc until matters of allegations are settled.. if a sorrowful obama leaves usa for residencein nation, kenya and or mccai leaves usa for residence in panama then dr roy may not press charges but if mccain or obama pursue right of kamal roy to  be u s president with violations of law by abusing birth records then he may move to international court of justice at hague if required by laws.

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    Home > Politics & Government > Elections > Your Open Question  Dipa_ Ray_mondal Member since:

    22 February 2008

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    Rer kamal karna roy , a gop legal contestant of gop for nomination v john mccain vouch indo_US nuclear deal?

    7.17. 2008 new york release of world news:

    chance beyond politicking: members of lower house, lok sabha: u may quit membership of house of power but people may not afford to stay poorer. comment borrowed from the reverend dr kamal karna roy, interest free all time.regards to all.kamal karna roy u s american born: if u wish to know more about him, would you feel shy? pl do'nt. why ?whynot

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    support us_india deal beyond partyline to help industrial dev

    by paromita baidya roy world religns wife on 16 Jul 2008

    see above as comment of dr, the rev kamal karna roy, a G O P legal contender of U S Presidential competition 2008, a new leader in making who tells words of revolutionary changes in poliies in republican party of usa, for policy shifts needed by "we the people in usa" and redevelopment of free republics around world free of oppressions.

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    go for nuclear deal u.s _India

    by Lisa N Roy Internet nursing Director on 16 Jul 2008

    see above for success of deal. see below

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    internet Era development for world :indo_US nuclear cooperations

    by the rev Ms Atreyee roy sen ,b d (Hon) on 15 Jul 2008

    7.15 2008 new york release:pl go for it in Indo_US interests cooperations beyond party line. see below : pl search eb "kamal karna roy, dr, re ' is a tactical gop leader in usa, author of jungle democracies, cat and mouse doctrines of oppressions on weaker people, weaker naions , weaker entitities by most powerfuls in modern ruling conglomerates and superpower system included, may be usa is within controversies of oppressions by usa in 3rd world. but essential growth of economic standard for over one billion people nuclear deal will expand energy source for industrial growths in india. dr the rev kamal karna roy m b a (usa),ph d, d d (divinity)ll b (law)acapa public admn (usda graduate school, washington dc) author of books :Jungle democracies , cat

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    deal of century:indo_us relation

    by rev fellow premansu roy author/ clergy on 15 Jul 2008

    nuclear deal by rev premansu d roy, M.D (Divinity)(New on 13 Jul 2008 Desired nuclear deal india_us be blessed for economic rapid growth in india an energy hungry country like the rev dr kamal karna roy on 13 July 2008 pl go for it in Indo_US interests cooperations beyond party line. see below : pl search eb "kamal karna roy, dr, re ' is a tactical gop leader in usa, author of jungle democracies, cat and mouse doctrines of oppressions on weaker people, weaker naions , weaker entitities by most powerfuls in modern ruling conglomerates and superpower system included, may be usa is within controversies of oppressions by usa in 3rd world. but essential growth of economic standard for over one billion people nuclear deal will expand energy source for industrial growths in india. dr the rev kamal karna roy m b a (usa),ph d, d d (divinity)ll b (law)acapa public admn (usda graduate school, washington dc) author of books :Jungle democracies

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    by the rev Premansu d Roy,M.D :religion NY on 13 Jul 2008

    nuclear deal by rev premansu d roy, M.D (Divinity)(New on 13 Jul 2008 Desired nuclear deal india_us be blessed for economic rapid growth in india an energy hungry country like the rev dr kamal karna roy on 13 July 2008 pl go for it in Indo_US interests cooperations beyond party line. see below : pl search eb "kamal karna roy, dr, re ' is a tactical gop leader in usa, author of jungle democracies, cat and mouse doctrines of oppressions on weaker people, weaker naions , weaker entitities by most powerfuls in modern ruling conglomerates and superpower system included, may be usa is within controversies of oppressions by usa in 3rd world. but essential growth of economic standard for over one billion people nuclear deal will expand energy source for industrial growths in india. dr the rev kamal karna roy m b a (usa),ph d, d d (divinity)ll b (law)acapa public admn (usda graduate school, washington dc) author of books :Jungle democracies, cat and mouse doctrines of oppression on people,

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    nuclear deal

    by rev premansu d roy, M.D (Divinity)(New on 13 Jul 2008

    Desired nuclear deal india_us be blessed for economic rapid growth in india an energy hungry country like the rev dr kamal karna roy on 13 July 2008 pl go for it in Indo_US interests cooperations beyond party line. see below : pl search eb "kamal karna roy, dr, re ' is a tactical gop leader in usa, author of jungle democracies, cat and mouse doctrines of oppressions on weaker people, weaker naions , weaker entitities by most powerfuls in modern ruling conglomerates and superpower system included, may be usa is within controversies of oppressions by usa in 3rd world. but essential growth of economic standard for over one billion people nuclear deal will expand energy source for industrial growths in india. dr the rev kamal karna roy m b a (usa),ph d, d d (divinity)ll b (law)acapa public admn (usda graduate school, washington dc) author of books :Jungle democracies, cat and mouse doctrines on weaker people, weaker entities, super_p:roy filed usdc action leglizing all relign marriages

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    nuclear deal india_US a blessing of god/s

    by JERRY ALSTON on 12 Jul 2008

    Desired nuclear deal india_us be blessed for economic rapid growth in india an energy hungry country like the rev dr kamal karna roy on 11 July 2008 pl go for it in Indo_US interests cooperations beyond party line. see below : pl search eb "kamal karna roy, dr, re ' is a tactical gop leader in usa, author of jungle democracies, cat and mouse doctrines of oppressions on weaker people, weaker naions , weaker entitities by most powerfuls in modern ruling conglomerates and superpower system included, may be usa is within controversies of oppressions by usa in 3rd world. but essential growth of economic standard for over one billion people nuclear deal will expand energy source for industrial growths in india. dr the rev kamal karna roy m b a (usa),ph d, d d (divinity)ll b (law)acapa public admn (usda graduate school, washington dc) author of books :Jungle democracies, cat and mouse doctrines on weaker people, weaker entities, aliens, nation by superpower: abridged from comment: dr kamal R

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    nuclear deal usa_india must succeed

    by rev ms deepamala biswas,m.d (divinity)NY on 10 Jul 2008

    nuclear deal india_usa shall ensure economic rapid groath in india in energy hungry country like ind by the rev dr kamal karna roy on 06 Jul 2008 pl gp for it in the nationa

  6. Rick you were on the job. the money has to be run back to

    the input point. We need to check down the bundlers. Find

    there loops. Then source check international wire transfers,

    to the Bundlers. There in we find the bad guys.

  7. YES!

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