
Isn't it time we had a new political party that speaks for the majority of British people?

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Not the BNP which is a bunch of thugs dressed in suits defiling the memory of all those people whom died in the last war fighting to keep this kind of scum from our shores.But one which recognises that in a democracy the majority are the people who decide the way the country is run.

One that will give a referendum on Membership of the EU, one that recognises that whether or not you are a Christian our laws are based traditionally around Christianity.

One that gives political correctness a boot up the ****,gets the government spies off our backs and gets rid of the tinpot tyrants of local government and the BBC.

One that stops us wasting billions of pounds on lazy b******s that will not work.

Most of all brings back the old tradition in Britain of live and let live.




  1. You have to deal with the politicians you have, not the politicians you'd like.  Otherwise your party would have been voted in by now.

    In any case, simply saying that a majority 'want' something is by no means the end of the argument.  The majority can be completely and utterly wrong, and illiberal.

  2. there is already a party in place, it is called the BNP

  3. The old tradition of 'live and let live',when was this in your rose tinted world!?

    Intolerance against the Welsh,Scots,Irish and even the English.Jewish pogroms,oppression of Afghans,the Indian Raj and Africans.The Boer Wars and in modern times,not allowing Cymraeg to be spoken in schools(until the revival in the early 1960s) or in the workplace

    or courts(until recently).Blindly following America in their attempted World domination,Pillorying ALL Muslims,I could go on,but i've made my point.

    When was this 'time',Arthur? I also mentioned the English in my letter,as being treated badly,open your eyes!

    If it helps,I was born in 1960.

    Arthur,you still haven't answered my question.How blinkered are you?

    If Glyndwr was a 'robber baron',what does that make the Queen and her ilk.I didn't mention the 'No Irish,No West Indians,No Sikhs' etc, signs that went up in house windows in your life time! As for the generations that went before,my  grandfather and his predecessors worked in the mines,that made Britain 'Great',and my father fought in Korea,so I do know my  history.

    I think you are being selective in your argument.

    I would have e-mailed you,but you have no address showing.By the way,where is the vitriol? I stated facts.

  4. Yes it is about time. But unfortunately there will never be one because everyone is too scared to speak out for the british without being seen as being racist. This isn't England anymore, it's 'Multicultureland' literally - the government want us all to live together in harmony. To be honest though, that doesn't really work as being different cultures, enthic background, they have different ways of living, have different beliefs which make it difficult for everyone to get along so in the end we end up wanting to be around our own lot.

    Unfortunately we have become a nation of kissing-every-immigrants arses, we love helping out all the foreign people except the english born people who actually live here. We give benefits to people who don't deserve them and refuse to give benefits to people who actually need it! We have an unfair justice system and it does need to be changed, but thats only when people will stop just talking and moaning about it and actually doing something about it! The government are pathetic, they are meant to be our representatives - while everyone is suffering from rises in the cost of living, all they care about is wanting a pay rise - these MP's are all selfish and ruffless people who don't care about no-one else but themselves because they know at the end of the day they have the money to go live somewhere nice and cosy while the rest of us hard-working brits have to suffer living with all the foreign scum that keeps arriving here. I'm only 17 and i already know that when i get the chance, i'm moving far far far away from england!

    You mention about our generation - not  every teenager today is out on the streets drinking, causing havoc. We can't be grateful because we do not understand what you went through - everyday i think about how lucky i am - and that is all down to my parents, but i have only just started to realise this because i have never really understood. I'm lucky because they have given me the best start for the future and i really want to take full advantage of it. They have spoiled me and i have tried not to be a spoilt brat. But I am very grateful.

  5. yes but lets face it , it is not going to happen -  

  6. Plain and simply yes ..

    When was the last time you trusted a politician to give you an honest answer ...never that is

    They are so wrapped up in their own little world of expenses that they have forgotten where they come from and what running a country is all about.

    They say we have a free vote ...yeah right for what exactly ...tory na !! Labour na ..lib na as for the rest of the crackpots out there na

    Time for free politics where honesty counts and free rides disappear ....

    Time to either get on the bus or stay away      

  7. Come on this is like a in the ideal world kind of idea. situations would be ideal and so leaders would be ideal and everyone is in a happy happy mood.

    the leaders need only to care for statistics and the economy and make sure that the people that work with/for them are treated with more than their fair share. the rest of us are just the statistics the government needs to manage. tell me one country that has the kind of ideal government you're talking about.

    why don't you try go for parliament and believe me you'll be no different from brown cameron or any other leader in this or any country. Actually I know of one politician who gives up his extras to put back into the the state he runs and the state has developed really well under him. He apparently lives with his mother in the family home and doesn't do perks. so I guess it works but the you need to dedicated and strong minded with support of like minded ppl. the problem in todays world is even if you want to do some good you won't be able to do it without support and instead the others will drag you down with them and you need to strongly will powered to turn down some of the lucrative behind the scenes perks.

  8. You'd think that the people would vote that way but they are led around by the nose by the media in this country particularly the BBC. I for one want all the things mentioned above but now I suppose I'll be labelled a racist. That I can assure you couldn't be further from the truth.

  9. Form one then.

  10. I don't know whether it's a new party that's required - or a change in the electoral system and perhaps the way that government is established.

    I am starting to question whether we should vote for an ideology - or local MP and national government -or maybe vote for individual MPs regardless of geography. And whether there should be proportional representation, which used to make no sense to me - but now seems an improvement on what we've got - though still not ideal.

  11. I agree with you but times have changed, that is never going to happen

  12. At least you agree with me that the bnp are thugs in suits.  

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