
Isn't it too soon now in Lebanon for...???

by  |  earlier

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I don't want summer to be over...





  1. i love rain

    here in houston, it rains all summer

    unlike the middle east where it rains in the winter

  2. Global Warming! things will get worse in the next decade if you dont start using your bicycle more and public transport (both are practicly unavailblein Lebanon)  and if your goverment doesnt start realying more on renewable resources for energey

    does ur avatar have a goatee or is my screen dirty again

  3. So you have the answer to Me's question about the secret of life, but this one escapes you... interesting.

  4. well!then welcome in Tunisia! the summer's end is in october!

  5. I dont know why.....but i have a good idea for you.

    When october arrives in Lebanon......come to visit me, or go to Webby's or Aussie's...we all will be starting summer, and will be till march.

    You can go back to Lebanon then, and enjoy lebanese summer again.

    So.....what are you waiting for??? Yalla.....go and make ur bags !!!!!!

  6. Not obviously :p

    ntebheh min l patinage

    summer is NOT over yet, it shall live ever after in my answer and my heart

    says Shakespeare :p

  7. What on earth is your problem...? You aren't going to wash away ! Get over it !  lol

  8. No it is not over yet we still have till october.  But have you ever heard of this song

    Ma32oul tshatti bi Ab w titloj 3al dinyi killa....

    This is only humidity though not rain rain...

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