
Isn't it true that iraq's army is coming together.?

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From what i heard iraqs army and police force is becoming stronger and the insurgents bear no threat or little at all. Now i heard afganistan is getting worst how accurate is this?




  1. The other answers have it right, just thought you might like to hear from a soldier on the ground.  The Iraqi Army has made great strides in the last 6 to 9 months.  They have taken over many areas and continue to make good progress.  

    One of the big stories right now is the Sons of Iraq.  They are made of thousands of Military Aged Males getting paid to man check points (with American Dollars).  These check points are able to stop weapons shipments and keep the insurgents out of the cities.  Imagine a combination traffic cop and neighborhood watch with AK-47s.  

    The biggest problems is paying them.  The corruption of the local Sheiks means that sometimes we have to pay each SoI individually.  If they miss a single payday, they are likely to quit.

  2. yes while ours is falling apart. Then they come home damaged mentally and physically and there is very little support for them.

  3. No It never happens because batman wont let any groups get together.

  4. As for the Iraqi Army yeah it is coming together they are only lacking on the support role  

  5. It's getting better over there because the citizens are tired of being killed by insurgents in failed attempts to kill US troops and high-level civilians.  The more they get tired of them the more the Iraqi Army and police will improve to run the insurgents out of the area.  Afghanistan is becoming more of a problem and we will focus more of our forces over there.

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