
Isn't it unbelievable what they are saying about Palin?

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The liberals that is. I've been reading on here and they are calling her a w*ore and a s*ut and saying she can't do the job because she has children. Isn't this the same party that prides itself on feminism and the whole "women can do anything men can do" mentality? Is this just their jealousy rearing it's ugly head or what's the problem?




  1. What I think is stupid is that they aren't judging George Bush but they judge all the other people who have kids.I mean seriously.They cant do that.They are stupid if they do.Please help me!;...

  2. ummm... do a little research on her. She is under investigation for fraud.

    I'm voting Obama and it has nothing to so with her. McCain picked a woman trying to get the Hilary supporters.... not gonna work with me!

  3. Look, she is being used and she knows it. She's playing the role for her ambition. What ambitious woman will pass this chance? We all know McCain treats women like trash.

  4. For those of us who really understand what makes up the Democrat party...such a reaction was very predictable.

    There is very little actual 'progress' that progressives really support....women's rights, civil rights, immigrant rights...etc. are all just vehicles to the REAL issue that liberals care about.

    MONEY. (by way of TAXING whoever they can whenever they want)

  5. They have? Haven't seen that.

    I couldn't care less if she's a woman. It's about experience. If she were a man, she would NEVER have been chosen as VP.

    It's an irresponsible choice.

  6. She is hot and she can boss me around anyday.

  7. she is an energy pusher, will kick butt, she is an eskimo, she spent $35 for her wedding like me, have a heart and vote for ker and tell all

  8. What you have to undestand is that the Democratic Party is a collection of special interest groups which often have little in common.  The feminists are one of those groups.  They won't diss Palin, in fact many might vote for her.  But to the other groups in the party her "womanhood" means little or nothing.

  9. They only like strong liberal women.  When it comes to a strong conservative woman, they can't handle it.  They think it's gonna set feminism back 50 years or something.  

  10. I love it, makes me laugh so hard. I was hoping McCain would pick her, he did and I couldn't be happier. Listen to them whine, tears falling hard and fast. Palin has more guts and savy in her little finger then either Obama, or Biden. She  is a true reform lady.  

  11. What Sara Palin is a feminist herself

    That is why I get so upset the Dems keep saying all this stuff then when we point out it ain't the Republicans it's the Dems who are guilty they say it was the Republicans.

    Vote McCain/Palin  2008

  12. She is just unqualified i havnt read people calling her that. What about her relationship to indicted sen Ted Stevens

  13. if i had a nickel 4 everytime i was called a w*** but anyway

    its america wut can u do?

    i say lets stop bitchin and express ourselves when election day comes by NOT VOTING 4 OBAMA

  14. It's reminiscent of what Obama fan club said about Hillary.

  15. This is so typical of the liberals.  The republican's have come out swinging and we're knocking the socks off the Dem's.  You can bet when it was announced Obama's whole campaign just stood there with their jaws dropped like...."what do we do now?"

    They have been blindside!!  I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heee heee heee

  16. Women should be given a chance too. Hillary was given a chance. Why can't Palin have one?

  17. NO PROBLEM JUST IGNORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........????????...

  18. Now we know why the Democrats did not elect Hillary, they are all sexist.

    Palin is great

    A Real American girl next door

    Star college athlete

    Former beauty queen

    Hunts, fishes

    Life member of the NRA

    5 children

    Worked as a commercial fisherman

    Plays Hockey

    If you liked Hillary, then you'll LOVE Sarah.

  19. first of all there no one saying she cant do the job..look at her back ground before you find the fact how can the democrat say this when they have children of their own..why would the  democrats be jealous when mccain just handed the the election lol..o by the way black sexist men don't use w*ore a s*ut white guys do

  20. Libs preach that a woman can have children AND a career too? Hypocrites?  When they can't win a point, they can only demonize.

  21. Uh, seriously I read what you had to say and you don't exactly sound to bright yourself. It has nothing to do with being a liberal (not all created equal), I don't take sides but it has nothing to do with jealousy.

    Seems like its the easiest way for ignorant people is to point fingers. I don't know who is calling her out, but there are more reasons as why I do not support her views. It has nothing to do with her being a women. Don't Republicans care about women?

    This woman is highly qualified you should have voted for her as a candidate for President, and have McCain has a VP. Pulin isn't the bimbo in this duo.

    Now who is dumbing down women?


  23. Ditto on that Sarah Palin Rocks! person above me!

  24. It's unbelievable what everyone is saying about everyone these days

  25. they are a bunch of sore losers and hypocrites!...when even senator Biden said their boy Obama is NOT qualified!

  26. Democrats= Sexists = Hypocrites  

  27. I can't believe it....the left is slurring someone good name?  No, surely you jest.  They would never do that.  The problem is they can find no real problems so they go to name calling.  Typical left wing tactics.  Remember, this is the same group that thanked God for Tony Snow's brain tumor.  Pathetic.  

  28. democrats are good at tearing people down

    such hypocrites

    last nite at Invesco their all  "Can't we all come Together as a Nation"

    todays its     "gets the guns and knives and find that b****h

  29. It's fear.  Cold, hard fear.  It does ugly things to people.

    Sarah Palin is fresh and new and above reproach, and they know it.  They can't play their ugly smear game, and their bag of tricks is empty.  Just like their candidate...empty.

  30. Why can't they focus on her experience instead:

    * She has a B.A. degree from some college in Idaho

    * In her younger days she won the Miss Wasilla contest

    * Two terms on Wasilla city council and one term as mayor

    * Member of the PTA

    * Fought a losing battle to keep a money losing, state-owned dairy open.

    She's almost as qualified as Dan Quayle was!

  31. reading the dems posts started out be funny, but now its just getting disturbing.  These at length sexists rants coming from the party of peace, love, and pot are very worrisome.

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