
Isn't it weird, when SATAN tells you, you are making FITNA?

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  1. Satan & Muslim not a Shia....same @$$hole different IDs

    @ monkey lover: LOL yeah u got nothing to deny ... Is that y u block me?

  2. bro, thats the Ahlul Fitnas (Wahabis) Mullahs, the shias have AyatoAllah, the Ahlul Fitna (Wahabis) have Ayato Satan ;)

    these guys have bigger problems than using the wrong id, lets help them stop having wet dreams about Yazid

  3. Wallah, you kids have made this section useless!

    Why don't you guys go to the playground for a break eh.

  4. hahahah, u r a pro hypocrite , people here think u r shia , but Alhamdulillah i saw ur answers where u start mocking at Islam and ALLAH(swt), even shia don't say what u said

  5. NO making fitna is weird

  6. satan is shaitaan.himself fitna!!!!

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