
Isn't it wonderful...

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... that there are intelligent people out there who can discuss astrology?

It makes me feel a warmth inside to see people who delve deep into astrology and are open to discussing it in it's true sense. Sometimes I feel like there's near to no one out there who thinks about things intelligently and clearly without societal bias and fear of themselves and the unknown.

Not really much of a question. But there it is.




  1. I'd settle for something that is factual and not speculation. Most answers are all instep with each other due to belief, not evidence. Never see people really answer the more obvious tough questions. Believers won't even ask them. Can I ask questions that will get answers without hostile responses? Doubtful.

    Nor will anyone try to clarify. No one will say that they are possibly mistaken or wrong. Flaws are ignored. The standard answer is that "you must study it to know it" or similar wording. However using logic and reason won't work on something that does not have those properties. The truth should stand out like a sore thumb. It doesn't.

    Edit: I don't need to be a pilot to understand how an airplane, birds, and other flying creatures manage to fly. Air pressure, wing shape, thrust and drag. This is can be learned before high school. But with all the people that "study" astrology why can't the physics be explained? Is it really that tough or simply non-existent? Don't compare astrology with science. Logical reasoning can't be used on concepts with no logic.

    Actually, when it come to paranormal claims, yes it must stand out clearly. It maybe mistaken some other simpler and more likely alternative if it doesn't.

    Also to the other answerer, believing a little bit is like being a little bit pregnant. You either are or you are not. There is no middle ground. But there are ways to eliminate what is false and the self-deception that is very possible. Made up things are complex because they can't be ever explained and solved. Then you add another factor such as combining two types of astrology. There is no end.

    Last edit: True, everything may not be explained, but if it can science will. It is the best we have. Being "open-minded" works both ways. You have to be open-minded that you can be mistaken or wrong. I can admit that when better evidence is produced.

    "It seems to me what is called for is an exquisite balance between two conflicting needs: the most skeptical scrutiny of all hypotheses that are served up to us and at the same time a great openness to new ideas … If you are only skeptical, then no new ideas make it through to you … On the other hand, if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense in you, then you cannot distinguish the useful ideas from the worthless ones."

    Carl Sagan "The Burden of Skepticism"

  2. I think it's wonderful too. I love being able to talk to others who are interested. I would not call myself a believer (as the person above describes us) but I do enjoy studying this subject. I also directly respond to persons who ask me questions or challenge my opinions by answering without evasion tactics (as the person above does).

    I enjoy astrology, and I do not consider myself an expert. I've been studying this for several years. I know there are studies countering astrology, but even though I have read them, I prefer to study on my own and decide for myself. I do not trust anyone who wants me to follow astrology blindly, nor do I trust anyone who preaches to me that I should listen to him instead of deciding for myself.

    I mostly enjoy the questions on here about the complexities of astrology, rather than the general sun sign questions. I don't know any other place than YA where I can meet so many person interested in these subjects.  
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