
Isn't it wonderful that McCain chose a beauty queen with less than 2 years experience running a wilderness...?

by Guest31760  |  earlier

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...for his running mate? She's definitely ready on day 1!!

Woohoo for the breast tape ladies!!




  1. She is also


    Anti -gun control

    Fanatically pro-life

    Hates g**s and lesbians

    and leaves he special needs baby at home with someone else looking after him.

    However if you want a gun toting, g*y tainting, moose killer for VP she is your dream candidate.

  2. Okay, not the best choice (eek!).  And with his, er, age issue I think his VP choice could end up being more significant that Obama's.

    But Biden's non-stop thumbs ups, fist pumps and finger pistols aren't that presidential either.  He looks like he's doing an ad for Crazy Joe's Electronics.

  3. Cindy likes her.

    Women talk will be great? Ready for day one shopping.

    And swapping stolen cookie recipe's.

    Practicing their beauty queen waves.

  4. She's anti abortion like McCain. I think she ate too much of that saturated fish from the Exxon Valdez!

    Of course, due to oil Alaska has much less issues than most financially, however they do deal with a very high alcoholism rate, something that Bush knows a lot about!

  5. if he chosen Michael Palin (monty python) it would have been a better choice.

  6. And what has Obama run? Sorry, but Obama supporters look silly attacking Palin on her experience.  

  7. Its her sense of public service,pro life and morals that McCain choose.As far as her experience goes she at least ran a government.Can't wait for her to debate Bidden.Yes beauty queens have brains too.Give her a chance to show herself before you make a judgment.At least she has a public record of her leadership and policies.She also has an approval rate in the 80's by the American citizens of Alaska.That's more than the present Congress or the Democrats have.She must be doing something right and not just talking about it.

  8. A failed beauty queen, just a runner up.

  9. Fact check:  Sarah Palin has been the Mayor of a city called Wasilla, with 9,000 people in it. She is currently the Governor of the largest State in the Union.  

    Barrak Obama has been the mayor of zero people and the Governor of nothing.

    This suggests that she is far more qualified to be Vice President than Obama is to be President, does it not?


  10. Performance-oriented executive




    No-nonsense public servant

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