
Isn't john McCain a hypocrite.?

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McCain picked a woman to get more votes than picked a lass experiences as him therefore hypocrite.what he think americans are stupid really what a joke old man.




  1. How so?  She has more experience than Obama.  She's been a governor which is a lot closer to president than a low life JUNIOR senator and she has a good life with a family.  Obama has no experience and without that few days in the ME and UK he's have NO experience not to mention he's a lying flip flopping racist pig. Sucks to be him these days.

    McCain IS YOUR new president.

  2. I agree. She herself is a hypocrite. Claiming she is against g*y rights, but at the same time proposess to give benefits to their partners. One word: HYPOCRITE!

  3. When asked about the war in Iraq, she said that "she really hadn't thought about it.  How many trips to the middle east has she made?  It was an area that he right hammered Obama on.  She is against abortion

    under any circumstances.  As for her experience, mayor of a small town of about 600 people and a state of about 650,000.  Hardly the type of experience that is required of the person that is a heart beat away from the most powerful job/important in the world.  I may be a cynic, but I believe it is a ploy to get the female vote.

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