
Isn't life amazing?!!?

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Never know what's around the corner and it's sooo true. Take it from the eternal pessimist: No matter how down and depressed you are, it will ALWAYS get better in time




  1. Rofl, coming from a fellow pessimist it always gets better. My friend was right in the sh*tter and after a while of us just talking things began to get better. She went from self harming to smiling everyday. She's always happy and yeah; life will always get better.

  2. Yeah, except for the times when it sucks

  3. Life is not simply amazing it is also bounteous and helpful. Life is for us just the way we are for life. We are born in life and into life we eventually return. Then if we see and experience pain, suffering and death, then we are not seeing life in its entirety, but only partially. The fact is solid that life is all we have, and life is what we will always have. This is up to us what good living we make of our a life.

    It is so amazing that sometimes I think may be our sense of wonder is all that keeps us going against all odds, against vast gaps in our knowledge and understanding, against our fallings, against our sense of incompletion, against all the uncertainties of our own dear life, life that is all we have. If we have not had our sense of wonder we might not have lived past a moment, for how would otherwise think as what is going to happen in the moment next.

    We wonder and feel alive, as there is hope in our wondering, in our feeling vulnerable against the tide of time there are opportunities for us to be strong, and to expect for the best does not matter what might happen along the way, to try our best as this time we might win.

    Your pessimist would be surprised to hear his own words, what he is thinking to himself. This is strange but true. This is true that all things are improving, getting better, and everything is proceeding towards some fantastic end, the end so true and might that it caused all things to be, at the first place, in the beginning. There is an end alive in every beginning as in every end yet another beginning resides, for all things have their purpose rightly set.

    But what happen to us when in life things go bad, when things start to go wrong? Why our lot sometimes does not improve years in the end? Why do we feel like going down and down? The truth is simple. This happens when we fail to move in the wrong direction, when we try to swim downwards instead of letting natural buoyancy of nature to bring us to the surface, as for instance.

  4. Try asking the question to an elderly person whos been in a car crash, then discovered their doctor is called Harold Shipman.

  5. Very true!

  6. Actually, the eternal optimist

  7. So true, I think this is the ultimate reason why life is worth living and believe me I know that depression can also become immense happiness because I've experienced it more than once.

  8. Everything's amazing,everything's puzzle and everythinds's an ever never solved . nothing is clear and nothing is obvious:

    those who became leader of human being

    those who became candle among followers

    could not find any way from this dark night

    told a fiction and went to dream.

    but i think very optimistic about existance and i feel i will exist for ever !

  9. no life sucks atm

    but il get over it =D

  10. My credo: It's always something. If it's not one thing, it's something else.

  11. Yes it is.

  12. Life is and will always be interesting.

  13. Yes I think life is great. And when I think about life and what has happened and what my future holds it makes me happy.  

  14. yea and you dont know what bad things are gonna happen too!

  15. Life sucks... it sucks bad...

    Some people have it unchangably bad but you wouldn't know that... you didn't look at this from all perspectives... all the kinds of people there are..

    Or at least most..

    Life is bad... don't be optimistic... optimism must come from inside... you shouldn't try to force yourself to be it..

    In the scientific way... yes it is amazing... s***w god :)

  16. So glad to hear you feel up Rockks, though I notice you're not letting on what has produced this spasm of optimism, Oh do tell.

    I've had a real downer today, depression & all that, but reading your news has brightened my day somewhat.

    Makes me believe there is some hope.


  17. Of course.

    You will get no agrugement from me...

    You are talking to the convinced+

    Come back soon+
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