
Isn't marriage TOO permanent?

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I don't think anything really ever lasts "till death do us part" - I mean you see old couples who have been married for 20 years + and they are SICK of each other (my parents included)...

Why don't we just make marriage something that lasts... say... as long as the youngest child is under 18...

Or - 5 years without children...

Every 3000 miles or 3 months whichever comes first...




  1. I couldn't agree more. Who can take outlandish vows like "till death do us part" and keep a straight face? Only a good liar. Marrage should have term limits like politicians or maybe it should expire like the tags on a livence plate and if both parties want to renew they do and if not see ya!  

  2. I suppose if your married to someone that you don't like, then yes marriage would be too permanent.

  3. that's true but if you find the right girl you will be marry long not get divorce

  4. Because that is not what God wants from us. Once you make that vow before God, that's it. -You are committed to one another till death do you part.

    You are telling God that you will honor that person forever.

    Marriage is sacred.

    -Hebrews 13:4

    Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.

  5. wow thats pretty stupid dude you may see a few people that dont like each other and have been merried for  a while but still if you find the right girl like my grand parents theve ben merried for 60 years and they still love each other

  6. depends if you walk up the ailse with no doubts, i agree with the other answer my aunt and uncle been maried for over 40 years and they still flirt and have a laugh,  

  7. Yes, marriage and true love is very permanent, and yes "'till death do us part."   And it's wonderful!  Too bad for the people who make marriage dull, including your parents who now have given you a bad taste of marriage.  Believe me, you meet the right person and marriage is for life and it's wonderful to be married to your soul mate.  Please don't make mockery out of marriage, most of us do take it very seriously because of the one we love.  You learn to communicate and compromise, and have fun and do things together and for each other, help each other out, you really do become one.  The words "better half" really are so true. Your soul mate brings out the best in you and visa versa.  If your parents aren't getting along it's their choice they are bitter and not sitting down to listen to their partner.  How sad.  

  8. my parents are married for 24years. mum's sick of my dad while he's trying EVERYTHING to prevent the family from splitting.

    marriage is a vow where both of u makes a commitment to cherish each other for eternity. u clearly don't respect that, i hope u never get married...its bound to fail

  9. In general, this seems so, but there are exceptions.

    You just got to find others lie you who feel the same way. Why don't you make or find a date/marry swap site. you date/marry as long as its good and when its time, you go your own ways.

    Its probably also STDs, you know the more partners, the more that c**p spreads. Who doesn't have HPV or herpes these days.

  10. Nothing is permanent except death.

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