
Isn't my cat supposed to meow loudly or something to warn me of this earthquake?

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That wretched moggy slept right through it.




  1. Our dog slept through it, but we've got two birds - their cover was off the cage and they were quivering on the bottom.

  2. you need to upgrade your cat.

  3. It took us all by surprise

    Even cats

    My cat Jack was outside

    Until the quake when I let him In his ears were flat

    a sign that he was scared as we all were

    suffice to say he Is sleeping at the bottom of the bed

    after having a hearty meal safe In the knowledge

    that It Is over and he knows he Is safe

  4. Curious!!

    I opened the door just a few seconds before because my dogs were going round in circles on the floor.  I though they might p**p right there and then, so I let them out.

    As I opened the door, I was all but swept off my feet in a tidal wave of cats and dogs as they all streamed out of the door. (I have five CKC Spaniels, and nine cats)

    I'd just sat down again, and the whole world started shaking!

    q***r thing was, the animals were totally silent all the way through the event.

    When it was all over, they came back inside, looking a bit sheepishly at the walls and door, as if they weren't sure if it was safe.

  5. ha ha... my dog slept. she only got up when i did! not suprised by my dog, but aren't cats s'posed to be wise? x

  6. LOL.. For your information mate, The earthquake i 4.7 on the rictor scale, So rare in the UK.. and further "Tremors" are expected. So when your house falls down give us a shout yeh!!

  7. probably too domestic-

    I dount you saw ants all running away to hide in burrows either, thats the effect on the modern world we have I guess.

  8. Animals respond differently to situations where you would think they should show something as an alert. We had a guy break into our home and my dog just sat there and did nothing. However the next day when the cops showed up, my dog was barking like crazy and trying to bite the cops leg...go figure. It turned out that the guy who broke in went to college with my sister and he was high as h**l.

  9. Yeah, supposedly!

    Our dog just hung in the corner looking scared and like she's not wanting to touch the floor anymore!


    I gave her a cuddle.

  10. lol. My hamster was acting very strange after the earthquake. He's normally quite nasty tempered and bite me a lot, but when I went to check on him after the tremor, he was unusually subdued and calm, I also held him and he didn't bite me once. I think he was scared

    I think you need a better cat :P

  11. lol yeah your cat needs new firmware..

    dont you ever run system update checks on it??

  12. My bird (the animal type *LOL*!!) went crazy for about a minute when it happened

  13. Decode this lyrics "If you don't know me by now"

    Did anyone mess around with God?

    God must have told the cat to keep quiet about it.

    Luke 21.34-36

    What do you think?

  14. Take it outside and see if the 9 live are true!

  15. I've NEVER met a Cat that did what People thought they were "SUPPOSED" to do.... That might work for Dogs- or some Humans... But it doesn't apply to Felines. They know Better.   :)

  16. my cat slept straight through it too!!

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