
Isn't prayer an exercise in futility?

by  |  earlier

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Pray selflessly for world peace, answer is no

Pray selfishly for money, physical beauty, or something else, answer is no

Pray vengefully for someone to drop dead, answer is no

If prayer is for God's will to be done and not your own, what's the point? He obviously doesn't need a majority vote, and knows what you're thinking already even if you don't tell Him or lie about it.




  1. I'm no expert on prayer and wish I could claim to be. I don't pray enough. I know it's not pointless though. God is a loving father and just as a father is delighted when he hears what his child has done that day from the kids lips. It doesn't matter that he already knows. God is the same. He doesn't care that He's heard how fab His creation is from so many others or that you're asking for the same thing for the hundredth time, the fact that you're talking to Him, that's what matters. I don't comprehend why some prayers are answered and why others aren't, apart from that it is His choice. I often feel it's dangerous to pray the real heartfelt prayer, because when it seriously matters to me and then I get hurt when He says no.

  2. It's like making a call on your cell phone when no one is on the line. Because there's nobody home at the other end.

  3. Right on, right on. Futile at best.

  4. I bet Serpentor would pray! Especially if Lady Jaye came to take him down!

    EDIT: Or Scarlett.....

    EDIT 2: lol...I suppose! Serpentor is a twisted fellow, isn't he?

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