
Isn't "Global Warming" a great marketing ploy?

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Face it, global warming isn't science, there's no way anyone knows if the future will be warmer or colder. Any guess is just a guess and guessing isn't science.

However global warming is a great marketing ploy. Look at the money major corporations are making from forcing people to buy low efficient CF lights.

Corporations like GE are making billions with corporate welfare for building wind turbines. Great for the bottom line.

And corporations like ADM are making more billions with the great ethanol scam, all underwritten by the US taxpayer.

Corporations are making billions all the while people are demanding more be given to corporations.

Isn't global warming the best thing that corporations could have developed? Isn't "global warming" a great marketing idea?




  1. Sorry its was my bad idea .....

    Here's my new idea ........

  2. Finally someone gets the idea. Global warming is fake. We have no scientific proof to say it is real.

  3. No.  It's scientific fact.

    This is science and what counts is the data.

    "I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

    Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

    Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut

    Here are two summaries of the mountain of peer reviewed data that convinced Admiral Truly and the vast majority of the scientific community, short and long.

    summarized at:

    There's a lot less controversy about this is the real world than there is on Yahoo answers:

    And vastly less controversy in the scientific community than you might guess from the few skeptics talked about here:

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    Good websites for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

  4. You mean something like stuffing Dr. in front of your s/n to appear to have two clues?

    No, AGW is nothing like that.

  5. I would think even you guys would get tired of preaching to the choir, but no way, eh?

  6. Unfortunately no.  GW is a result of people not being able to come to grips with their mortality.  They are terrified that there is something they have no control over.  The function of our sun is out of their control, and they are TERRIFIED.  So they embrace Al Gores "Inconvient Truth"  which is neither.  Their actions will only confound the problem, cause more human suffering, butr hey dont care.  Their emotional needs are so overwhelming, they are in a panic!

  7. ~*~Think about this... I'm 16 years old. I'd like to be 90 and still be able to see a polar bear. And I'd like my kids to see gas prices below $3.50 a gallon. Global Warming is REAL. It IS happening. It is not a great marketing ploy it's a disaster headed straight for us. You may not experience it in your lifetime but your great grand kids will. Are you really going to make them pay for it.  Acid rain, Florida going under water, china along with it. You're very nervy to say this. And quite frankly, your probably the person to throw your garbage on the ground and use your car when you don't need to. So when your looking down at your great grandchildren and they're suffering because we didn't do anything about it now. Then you'll be sorry. Think about it...

  8. It's easy. Follow the money

  9. Are you trying to excuse your fear?  Are you rationalizing a problem you disagree with?  Are you trying to sort out your attitude about a real problem.  Because there is way more money going into the problem than any that is being made.  It is a lot like disaster relief.  Have a heart.  Many people are scared stiff and lots are in denial.  But, a person needs to work out their reaction to the problem.  Try to work it out for yourself.

  10. Medicines are also a "great marketing ploy" but it's essential anyway.

    Companies either admit global warming is a problem, adjust to the situation and tries to make money from the truth. Or, they put their marketing into the denial industry, trying to hold on to the lie for as long as they can and make tons of money for a while. Either way, "smart" companies are likely to come up with a way to make money. The difference is that the good ones choose the truth for their business purposes.

  11. Yep. Except for that little thing that you brushed aside called science. We have proof that global warming is happening. PROOF that the ice caps are melting and proof that our world is heating up.  So yea, i suppose that some companies are making some cash out of it. big deal. we need to focus on SAVING the planet, more than making money from it.

  12. GW is true, the bad thing is SOME GOVERNMENT is taking this free time to take the money. Sorry honey, half you said is correct but Earth is already sick. If all will not stop GW......Every rich men are gonna die of murders made by angry people, many poor will die because of no food and sickness. PEOPLE WHO DONE THINGS WRONG, IGNORED THIS, AND PEOPLE WHO THINKS THIS IS FAKE...will gonna see in the near future what this is all about. I don't care if i have a thumbs-down......I'll Just remind you people:)....Just wait starting now....................... and you'll see something eerie as in Death??:)

  13. Oil companies are recieving 18billion dollars a year in subsidies , not to mention the money the house of Saudi were receiving, do you think this is a better way to live?

    Why is it a guess?

    Hey at least your friends will make some more money today:

    Exxon will be happy.

  14. It's not as bad as conservatives using "Terrorism" as a marketing ploy

  15. you are taking quite a cynical view of this and with big business involved i am not surprised you think that way. however, it is becoming widely accepted that increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are causing global temperatures to rise. this has many negative consequences, some short term, some medium term, and some long term. it also has some positive consequences. and recent surveys suggest that greenhouse gas output into the atmosphere will only continue to increase unless certain steps are taken.

    it is probably better to try to understand the scientific models than deny it and put your head in the sand like the bush administration.

  16. Is this a joke?

    You've managed to synthesize left-wing paranoia of corporations with right-wing anti-intellectualism and distrust of science.


  17. It's  making Gore a wealthy man for sure.....

  18. It's false.  It's a political stunt, and now big business is riding the coattails of Gore and his "scientist" buddies.

  19. it is fake if it was getting hotter our winter wouldve been shorter but it seemed longer its still cold

  20. Of course it is. did you notice that the recent energy bill passed by congress and signed by the president did things like regulate what bulbs we could buy. It eliminated the cheap incandescent bulbs which made very little profit and mandated our companies make the florescent bulbs. One of the backers of this bill was GE, who just so happens to make the new bulbs. None of the companies are going full bore to solve this issue, they do just enough to make as much profit as possible. Global Warming is a marketing departments wet dream.

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