
Isn't risky to race Big Brown with the injury that he has?

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Isn't risky to race Big Brown with the injury that he has?




  1. no, a quarter crack wont affect him. Hundreds of successful race horses have raced with them and won.

  2. I was wondering the very same question.  I believe the first poster (who happens to be a horse) answered it to my satisfaction.

  3. No....the trainers and vets know what they're doing and wouldn't let him run if they weren't sure he could handle it. It did look bad tho didn't it?

  4. I wrote this earlier...and for all intents an purposes, it's a pretty explanation.  Yes, there are of course some differences but this should help.  

    Their hooves grow like fingernails. It's like a crack in your fingernail that goes into your nailbed.

    If you don't do anything with it, it's pretty sore until it grows out.

    However, imagine if you went to a Nail Salon and had them put a fake nail on top of it. This would seal the crack, it's no longer exposed to being ripped into the bed more and the pain is gone.

    The nail grows out past the crack, you remove the fake nail and all is normal.

    They have put a very strong acrylic patch over his quarter crack, therefore it is no longer exposed and cannot be felt. It's actually stronger than the rest of his uncovered hoof - just like with the fake nail on top of your cracked nail, which is stronger than any of your natural nails

  5. The trainer or owner would NEVER take a chance if they had any worry.  If they were to "lose" (as in what happened to Eight Belles) Big Brown, The hundreds of millions of dollars they will make on him after he retires is toast!  They could pull him from this race if he was actually injured badly enough, take him to the stables and make millions upon millions for his sperm.  The few million he will get for this win (if he wins) is nothing compared to what he is worth the rest of his life.  These trainers, and owners love their horses, and really love money.

  6. Any and all foot and/or leg injuries are potentially serious. The quarter crack on Brown's left front foot however...with the care and precautions taken doesn't have to be a huge concern. In all likelihood the "patch" they have applied is sturdier than the original hoof--kinda like a crown on a tooth and is stronger than the before the crack occured.

  7. No.  quarter cracks are not a big deal.  Horses run with them every day.  If it bothers him at all, it just means he won't win.  He's not going to break a leg because of it.  It's not even really an injury... it's just a hoof crack.  It's like saying you can't run in a track race because of a toe nail.  It's just not that serious.

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