
Isn't severe weather in Atlanta proof that global warming isn't happening?

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To get severe storms, warm moist air from the Gulf need to clash with cold dry air from Canada.

If global warming was real, then there would be less cold air, and even less reaching as far south as Florida.

Only because "global warming" isn't happening, can these very cold air masses form and move into the deep south.

Severe storms are an indicator that there is no global warming. Right?




  1. I agree with you Jello. Usually do.

    Gengi----you're basing a global warming trend on how long, 100 yrs, 150? And how old is the earth? Seems your data is only taken from a blip on the history of earth as well.

  2. Right.

    If we had less cold air, it wouldn't trigger major tornadoes or severe weather.

    Also if there was less cold air, that would be a good thing for me.  I am sick of the cold weather.  It's gonna be freezing this Easter in most parts of the US.

    Even here in Raleigh it'll be February weather on Easter Sunday.

    This is not Global Warming.

    Plus records show that we've had major tornadoes and severe weather in the past couple decades.

  3. Are you gonna publish these findings? How much research went into your claims?  

    The ever widening parameters of weather records is a result of global climate change.  Severe weather is a sign of instability in the atmosphere.  An increase in severe weather was a prediction of the onset of climate change.  Why do you think that global warming will eliminate all cold air? That was not a predition of climate change. It is the direct effect of global warming that makes the jet stream is so erratic! That change in the jet stream pulls down the Arctic air,and it clashes with unusually warm moist air from the record warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico.    What part of climate instability don't you get?  Severe storms ARE an indicator that there IS  global warming!  Heat drives the weather. Increase the heat,and the weather gets more powerful. No brainer!

  4. To those who say "this is the coldest winter... etc etc". Consider that an increase in temp of 0.75 degrees globally will not noticeably change your local weather. A year that would normally be colder than average is going to feel just as cold.

    Jeez I question the IQs of you guys. I everyone here that dumb? Seriously. Does anyone learn how to think critically about things in school?

  5. No.

    If weather and climate models were really that simple, there could be no argument  about  GW. It really WOULD be obvious.

  6. No.

  7. Not necessarily.  The thinning ozone layer is not equally distributed around the globe, it is in spots especially over coastal regions in the higher latitudes.  There is a cooling effect and increase in ocean levels due to the sea ice that has been melting for decades.  Global warming actually causes more severe storms, so they are totally consistent with global warming. What is the point of doubting the observations that have been made for years and years?  Do you really think that this is a new concept just because you don't like the person who is most associated with creating a mass hysteria over it?  Gore may have used the subject and enhanced it's urgency a bit for promotional purposes, but the subject and the facts are not part of him, he just jumped onto the study and exploited it for personal gain.  To deny that global warming is taking place is to render yourself helpless in conserving life on this planet for a little longer.  

    Winter is the time of year that climate show the largest response to increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. So, even though the warming signal is weak, the seasonal pattern is consistent with the human-enhanced greenhouse effect.  There is a human-induced stratispheric ozone hole above Antarctica that is causing a cooling effect elsewhere.  The cold isn't escaping into space, as the globe warms in some regions (mostly over coastal land) the cold is pushed out to other regions and causes severe storms and climate changes.  With all the cold being pushed away from some regions, they experience severe hot spells.  Its all consistent with a greenhouse effect and global warming, human induced (apparent because of where the holes are located and lots of other scientific factors).

  8. Of course!  I can't believe the subject even came up.

  9. Global warming is a myth.  75% of scientists don't even believe it to be true.  It's all a big left wing scam to get more funding.

  10. so 130 years of a general warming trend is just noise but local whether in Atlanta is not. your logic is a joke.;...

  11. You know, I *almost* feel sorry for people like you.

    Almost. But not quite.

    The "weather" is not a one-colored single-thread blanket which covers the Earth.

    Severe weather ALL OVER THE WORLD is undeniably a loud and clear indicator of global climate change. Birds' migratory patterns are screwed up. Plants  and trees and vegetation of all kinds are flowering much too early, year after year, which is causing critical problems with innumerable species MISSING the yearly feeding times, set up millenia ago. Fungus and parasites are overtaking multiple species because THE WINTERS AREN'T COLD ENOUGH to kill them off anymore.

    This is NOT a political issue. It is a science issue. Wake up.


  13. Gengi is basing his global warming doomsday cult on the latest 30 years; otherwise, his argument falls apart.  I was listening to the radio today and the collosal jewel of glittering ignorance, (I still like some of her music though) Cheryl Crow  was being interviewed.  She just adopted a 3 month old baby so naturally that made her a climate expert.  She was all concerned about Tennessee and was sure that she had witnessed devastating global warming in the last few years.  This type of mentality is like a plague to freedom.  They are so eager to have a cause, for whatever reason, that would willingly give up their way of life to FEEL like they belong to it, that they are now worthy, that they can feel like they matter.  Science is suffering a major blow from this nonsense.

  14. Severe weather incidents are not a proof of cooling or warming.

    They are usually driven by the effects of El Nino or La Nina = ocean cooling/heating.  However no scientists today can say whether either El Nino or La Nina is taking place right now.

    I submit this weather satellite picture is causing both to happen concurrently! (Remember El Nino & La Nina are supposed to be in 10+ year cycles)

    Note the 'Hot Spot' just above Australia:

    This spot can not be explained by Sun alone because oceans on the same latitude are up to 10 degrees cooler.

    I wonder is cally I could verify if this news article is True?

    Sydney's Coolest Summer in 50 Years Leaves Empty Cafes, Gloom :

  15. Had to laugh at you question about global warming,seem you think global warming means it will get warmer.

    Welllll that depends on where you are, Canada has Had a extremely long bitter winter, Florida has had some odd weather this past winter.

    Down here in South Australia we went through 19 days over 100f with no relief till yesterday march 18Th.

    I think personally I would rather the cold as that heat we had although it was very clear it wore everyone down.

    I have to admit I detest summer at the best of times but this year coupled with no rain at all made it dusty and very hard to breath on some days.

    Severe storms probably do indicate if they are increasing take a look at Iceland right now

  16. I'm no scientist, but I live in Atlanta, just moved here last July.  I can honestly tell you this past winter is the coldest winter I can ever remember, and the past 2 days it's supposedly been in the mid-60's, but I have still been cold!!!  I moved from 2 hours south east of here, where the weather is generally drier and warmer.

    add:  to all the mean ppl who insulted you...maybe they should read this...

  17. This question proves you're not a Dr.

    Now explain to me why tornado alley (Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas...) has severe storms in spring and summer. Shouldn't there be less cool air in spring and summer??? Cooler dry air from the north collides with warm moist air from the gulf, causing storms. It's weather and the last time I checked, Texas is in the deep south.

    Alas, there are no more cherries for Jello to pick...

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