
Isn't she pathetic? my boyfriends ex-wife still takes their kids to see my future mil & fil?

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she has to drive 7 hours round trip to see them. i don't know why she still do that? is she buttering them up so that they will not like me? she is moving into my territory now. she needs to leave them alone. am i right? she is so sad for doing this.




  1. Don't take this wrong but YOU sound pathetic for even saying that.  They are the grand children right?  And the children were there BEFORE you.  Don't be selfish.  And no your not right.  

  2. It's not really all that bad.  And you shouldn't be jealous.  She isn't sad given that they are her kids grandparents.  you should not be threatened by her at all and to me it sounds as if you do.  I take my daughter to see hers grandparents and we have been separated since she was born.  I even get along with his new wife.  As long as you are not threatened you shouldn't even think about it.  She has no reason to butter them up unless you guys still play high school games which it seems you are.  Get over it and grow up they are not your kids and as long as she is making the effort for his family to see the kids you should be grateful.

  3. whats wrong with you...arent they the grandparents of your boyfriends kids ??

    if they are then his ex has every right to take them to see them...

    you need to accept that since your ex has children that they and their mother in your lives...

    either accept it or you might want to think about ending the relationship...

  4. She isn't sad, and she isn't pathetic. If she was married to your now boyfriend and has more than one kid with him... she was probably close with his parents. I know if I were to ever (god forbid) separate from my hubby I would most definitely take them to see their grandparents. That's totally normal. In a way they are family. That's stuff you need to learn to deal with...

  5. Nope, you and your future husband are pathetic in that you don't see the importance of the his kids having a relationship with his parents.  He should be the one driving 7 hours roundtrip to pick up his own kids, bring them to see grandma and grandpa, spend some quality time with them and drive back.

    Kudos for the ex for taking the time and money and energy to nurture that relationship.

    Oh, and if this is your attitude, I would not be surprised if the future in-laws don't think very highly of you.

  6. NO.. you're sad for letting something like this bother  you....

    Like it or not his ex wife (mother of his kids) will be in the picture FOR LIFE... that includes with his family...

    "She still do that" because thats the kids grandparents stupid.. divorce doesn't (well isn't suppose to) divorce children from there family members.. You're territory? LMAO - thats the funniest thing I've read on here in a while..! FYI If by any chance you broke up the marriage they (his family) will never like you

    You are NOT right in this scenario ... and are making yourself out to be quite the pathetic little twit actually.

    Get some maturity and self esteem... otherwise you and him will never make it.. The exwife ain't going anywhere...

    You think now is bad.. wait until its time for the kids to go to college/university.. Who do you think will be paying? And if u p**s the ex off she will make everything that much harder of you two..believe me!

  7. How foolish can you sound? Those are his children's GRANDPARENTS and that will never change....they need both set of grandparents in their lives and she's just doing what a good mother does, making sure her kids see her parents as well as their father's...YOUR TERRITORY? get real, Cupcake..she divorced her husband, her kids did not divorce their grandma & just tell you future MIL & FIL that the ex DIL should stop letting them see the grandkids...betcha you'll go flying out the door with a boot to your posterior, lol...if this post is even real. if it is, the sad one is you....

  8. Grow up Stupid.

  9. You sound ridiculous.  It's "pathetic" for her to take her children to see their grandparents?  WTF???  She's not in YOUR territory at all.  She is being a mother, she's not doing it to p**s you off, she's doing it because children enjoy spending time with their grandparents.  She's not going to disappear as much as you obviously want her to, and his kids aren't going to disappear, OR forget their mother, just because you showed up.

    What's pathetic and sad is how insecure you are.  Get a grip, you took on a guy with an ex-wife and children, now deal with it.

  10. Pathetic? No, they are still the children's grandparents and will be regardless.  They have a right to see the grandparents and I am sure they want to see the children. When you marry a guy/girl with children you are going to have expect contact with them like this. There is nothing sad or wrong with wanting your children to keep in contact with all their family. Just because she and your future husband got a divorce doesn't mean the children have to divorce the rest of the family.  Give her a break. She is trying to do what is best for the children and I bet it isn't very comfortable for her being around them after the divorce. Kudos to her for making the effort on her children's behalf.

  11. Why should she lose all contact just because your future husband divorced her?  The grandparents still need to be involved in their grand-kids' lives and if this is the only way they get to see them, more power to her!  YOU are being insecure and jealous - your "territory", GARBAGE!  YOU are sad and pathetic for thinking you can control other people.

  12. she is taking her kids to see their is that pathetic? you need to grow up and realize that his ex wife and kids will be in his life forever.  

  13. WHats the big deal they are the kids grand parents you dope.

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