
Isn't society according too much importance to Psychology nowadays?

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Isn't society according too much importance to Psychology nowadays?




  1. People have never had access to so much or been so empty, shallow even devoid of humanity.

    Theres psychology & pschology & this can be empty also but I think for every one person who can learn meaning for their lives perhaps they will pass it on.

  2. There's money to be made in religion and psychology.

    They are, "The Greatest Stories Ever Sold!" with emphasis on, "sold"!

  3. ???

    What makes you think so?

    Understanding what makes us tick is a GOOD thing. Unfortunately, what we've learned about human psychology hasn't yet permeated general consiousness.

    If more people understood psychology better and more accurately and completely, we'd all be better off.

    On the whole, society tends to not afford psychology enough importance.

  4. yes most of it is just a big con!

  5. Well, you could argue that psychology is the study of live. It has become so important because if covers a wide range of topics from the obvious mind and behavior to social psychology, cognition, how we learn, what creates conflict in the world, ideology that underpins government and religion are all involved.

    It also has more relevance in todays society. Mental health issues such as stress and depression are  direct results from society (long work hours; inflation; capitalism; education etc). These have a large effect on the economy as well as the welfare state so need to be dealt with. When it comes to disability or sever mental illness, we now have a moral standing and rights to protect these individuals rather than shutting them up as would have happened 40years or so ago.

    The main point im trying to make is that, in most given areas of todays society, psychology can  be used to explain and improve situations.

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