
Isn't the Apollo landing on moon all staged and hoax?

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i was inspired to read and learn of Neil Armstrong's first big leap for mankind in my school days. but the conspiracy theory shows settings which proves that the whole episode was staged in the deserts of USA.. and amazingly no man has landed since then on moon.




  1. the conspiracy theory is bullshit.

    we landed on the moon.

    and buzz aldrin got pissed when someone accused him of faking it.


  3. The conspiracy theories have proved nothing other than that some people can ignore all the genuine proof of the moon landings and believe anything they want.

  4. We haven't got the technology to do it today let alone back then!!!!

  5. It's stange that the Soviet Union, who have done evrything else in space haven't been to the moon

  6. Only gullible people believe it was a hoax

  7. I've said this before, why would the USSR not proclaim to the world that it was a hoax if it had been? What did they get out of allowing the USA to say that they got to the Moon? That in no way makes any sense at all, making this the lamest conspiracy theory out there.

  8. It's not a hoax. As one of the astronauts, Charlie Duke, said in the documentary "In the Shadow of the Moon": "We've been to the Moon nine times. Why would we fake it nine times, if we faked it?"

  9. Well I guess you've proved it!  We've never been to the moon.

    Next question, er, comment.....

  10. here's the 9 most popular conspiracy theories and why they are a load of sh*t. all theories can be disproved by scientific fact:

    1) Sources of light: one popular theory is "why do the shadows appear to come from different origins/sources when there is only one source of light, the sun?". The answer to this is rather simple - Although not a source of light, both the moon and Earth reflect light. This explains why the shadows appear to be coming from different angles and different sources of light.

    2) Camera lens cross-hairs. In a number of photos, it appears that the cross-hairs etched onto the lens of the camera are behind the picture being photographed. This is obviously faked by some idiot in photoshop trying to make up his own conspiarcy theory. This situation could never possibly occur and NASA would not implant faked cross-hairs like that if they had hoaxed it because that just makes it seem more faked. This was done by some idiot in photoshop.

    3) Footprints but no blast crater: Astronauts reported the surface of the moon being soft and powdery, so why no blast crater? well, this is because of the vacuum of space. Blast craters are created because of the displacement of air particles, as there is no air in space no air is displaced and no crater is made. The rockets on the lander weren't all that powerful either, those on a harrier jump jet are more powerful and blast craters are much more likely to be made on earth as it has air parcticles adn harriers don't make blast craters so it doesn't surprise me that neither did the lunar lander.

    4) Moon rock bought back to Earth: 382kg of moon rock were bought back to Earth to be tested in labs, that cannot be faked as when the results came back it would be clear that the rocks were not of lunar origin.

    5) Stable photographs even though astronauts had chest mounted cameras and could not bend to look through the viewfinder: So many photos were taken in space that it is hardly surprising that astronauts magaged to get a fairly good bounty of stable photos.

    6) Russian witnesses: Everyone knows that the Russians and the US believed that the first to land on the moon would be the best country. Many Russians witnessed the whole US project and did not report anything, if they had seen anything at all they would have been more than happy to expose the US , yet they didn't. Because it was not fabricated. Also half a million people were directly involved how can that many people go for so many years without a single slip-up?

    7) Hoaxing for profit: NASA only made very small financial gain on the project. It was not substantial enough to run the risk on being exposed as liars.

    8) Radiation from solar storms in space would have poisoned them, how come they are all fine?: The Earth is protected my it's magnetosphere which directs radiation around the planet. At certain times the moon pases through the Earth's magnetosphere making travel safe. This is how they managed to get to the moon and back without being fried by radiation.

    9) The flying flag: The flag appeared to be flying because it was pinned in an outward position so it wouldn't just flop and look sh*t. It ripples due to the bodily motions to impale it into the ground.


  11. Which is more probable?

    We went to the moon with less computer power than a modern digital watch, and we're going back. Then off to Mars, and later Zeta Reticuli.


    Your government has sold you out and plans to force this on you soon:

  12. "It's not a hoax. As one of the astronauts, Charlie Duke, said in the documentary "In the Shadow of the Moon": "We've been to the Moon nine times. Why would we fake it nine times, if we faked it?""

    why, to make it more believable of course... that's easy o.0 lol.

  13. have you got sky tv?

    go to channel 121 now !!!!

  14. Hah! That's nothing. It's possible World War II was all staged by Hollywood back in the '40s. After all, we haven't had a world war since, have we?

  15. Wrong !!!

  16. You might wish to get your facts straight.  After Apollo 11 there were 5 more moon landings and one, Apollo 13, that barely survived an inflight emergency.  Each was tracked by the radar of many nations.  Each had its signals picked up by those nations.  When you can tell me how anyone could hide 7 30 story moon rockets each of which had its capsule return to earth to be met by a carrier task force, I just might take you seriously.  You should be more discriminating in what you believe from TV shows.  People will laugh at you for your gullibility if you persist in believing conspiracy nonsense.    

  17. The conspiracy theory does not show any such settings.  They just tell you that they do.

    A lot more people did go to the Moon after Neil (that fact is often "forgotten" by the "Moon Hoax" hoaxers).

    It is expensive to land people on the Moon (and bring them back).  NASA has never since been given the budget, nor the incentive to go back. For example, there is not much else we could learn there. Therefore it is not amazing that no one has gone back since.  

  18. as I have often said, Moon Hoaxers tend to fall into two categories (sometimes over-lapping)...

    1)  morons that can't see what is plain in front of them.  There is so much evidence proving the Moon landings occurred and nothing that they didn't.  Unless you want to talk about a flag waving when it didn't or watch dust fall in 1/6 g...  did I say 'morons', yet?

    2) people with axes to grind.  Mostly people from countries with fledgling space programs that are forced to wave flags and cheer for accomplishments that the USA did 40 years ago and better.

    which category are you in, Mr Badshah?

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