
Isn't the US just incredable?

by Guest65788  |  earlier

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No sooner do they build up their forces in Afghanistan then the violence increases and the US bombs innocent civilians! 49 civilians in one American bombing attack . 39 of which are women and children of a wedding group.

"We don't target civilians," says America, AGAIN.

America is quite obviously Godless!




  1. We didn't start the fire. We're just there to put it out.

    You have OBVIOUSLY never been in a war. You sit in your American Politics 101 class with your other "intellectually superior" friends and whine and complain about how terrible your country is....when you have NEVER been a part of it. You think because you were born here you have some "God-Given Right" to whine about the way our military operates. How superficial and ignorant of you. Your thinking is as SHALLOW as a mud puddle.

    Do you think that no innocent Japanese citizens died in WWII? Do you think that no innocent German citizens died in WWII? That's the cost of wagging war. Perhaps you prefer living under German or Japanese government here in America and speaking their language. If your not happy with your government I would suggest that you move to another country...maybe Canada????

  2. Yes, it is truly incredible that a so called Christian nation would kill indiscriminately like this.  It's been going on for years in Iraq.  The US has bombed hospitals, homes, businesses, mosques.  The US bombed 70% of The Holy City of Falligah to destruction killing thousands of innocents.  The Americans bombed Fallugah for four days straight with carpet bombs and incendiary devices such as white phosphorous. I dare any of you right wing pro-murder hacks to put a little white phosphorous on your skin!

    Then the Americans laid siege with ground forces for eight days straight.  Embedded journalists were not allowed to go into Fallugah to report upon the war crimes.  But, other brave reporters did so.  The troops sent into Fallugah were given Free Fire Orders which meant they were to shoot anybody and everybody.  Even children were shot on the streets and in the safety of their homes.  Snipers, on the roofs of some hospitals shot people trying to get their wounded emergency care.....Ambulances taking wounded to clinics were riddled with bullets, emergency surgeries were done with the light from cigarette lighters with no anesthetics and no anti-biotics. Can you imagine the horror?

  3. Maybe if the innocent people would get out of the way it wouldn't be like that.They are not innocent if they are hiding anyone being searched for now are they? You know its a large country why aren't they away from their populace?They know what they are doing and they are the ones who don't care.It makes for strife here all part of their plan.Ever thought of that?War is not nice.

  4. The military will take out whoever they have to to get to their target. It does not matter if its a military base, a street market, or a day care center. Then the people in charge stand in front of a microphone and spu out the same PC s**t. "We don't hurt civilians." Or we didn't know they were there." Give me a break.

    War makes people feel powerful that's why they start them. The American government wants all to know just how powerful they can be. Innocent people pay for this.

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