
Isn't the climate changing at faster rate than what the experts predict ?

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Isn't the climate changing at faster rate than what the experts predict ?




  1. Yes.  A good example is the melting of the Wilkenson Ice shelf in antarctica.  Scientists had predicted this, but it was not expected for another 30 years.

  2. Yes Arctic and Antarctic ice is becoming less much faster than expected.  This year was expected to be a colder one because of el nina so having a colder than normal winter does not show global warming to be slowing.  I'm really tired of people saying silly things like that.  We are always going to experience colder years and warmer years.  It is the average that is rising and beginning to show lots of problems with permafrost and Inuit hunting traditions.  The truth is right in front of those that take the time to research.

  3. Yes.  A few examples linked below.

  4. i think we had record cold in Alaska this winter. but they say it was caused by global warming. use your brain this old earth has been aether warming or cooling since before man.

  5. check back with me in two hundred years. we should be able to average out the variables enough by then to declare an actual trend & know which direction its heading.

  6. the scientists have been erring on the side of caution, but lately a few of them have been braver coming out with more scary predictions they have previously been keeping quiet about.

    the ipcc report did not include the possibility of large scale discontinuities, as they were to difficult to predict. doesnt mean they are not going to happen.....

  7. Yes, but it's all unpredictable and varied. Of course it's constantly changing, but more time will be needed to come into a better more accurate conclusion of our weather effects.

    I would wait until about August to come into more predictions.

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