
Isn't the day of expected AF the absolute WORSE day of tww!?

by  |  earlier

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Yep, its that day for me and I keep running back and forth to the bathroom to wipe and see if that witch AF is here yet. I'm going freakin' crazy here at work! I really need to distract myself, you would think the loads of reports I need to write but be enough but I just can't help it. How have you all gotten through this day?

ttc #1 since January and this is the first month using an opk so feeling really good about chances. BABY DUST TO YOU ALL!




  1. wow, you're doing better then me, I would have tested 3 mornings ago :)

    good luck!

  2. Awww!  Good luck to you!  You'll have to keep us informed on if AF shows up!

    (I never had the patience for waiting, I always took a test the day AF was due, or the day before and went with that result!)

    ***baby dust***

  3. Yes it is and it is even worse when af dont show and you do a test and it says negative but af stays away a while longer drives me mad i would rather know one way or the other lol.  Baby dust to everyone TTC.

  4. OMG!!! YES!!! I am a compulsive tester and have made a promise to myself and my poor husband to wait this month until AF date of arrival to test... I am 3 days away and have been checking in the bathroom like a nut, too... I am just trying to stay calm... I can't offer anything other than to assure you you are not alone!!!

    Thanks for your sweet answer to my question!!! Best of luck to you!!!

  5. My whole cycle is a nightmare.  I spend the 1st two weeks hoping I ovulate.  When I do ovulate, I worry about something interferring with conceiving.  Then as if not under enough stress, I spend the next 2 weeks fearful of even driving over a pothole.  And when it's turns out to be a negative test or af starts, I get anger (especially when I hear of women who murder their healthy babies) or depressed.

    No women should even have to go through ttc.  And no women should have to experience the lost of a child that they desire so much.

  6. I don't have any tests in the house right now. I'm not due with AF for another week and a half, but I'm feeling like it's finally my month.

    I too test when it's way to early, but without having any in the house will force me to wait until after my AF is due.

    Good luck to you.


  7. I know how U feel... and its not just that day, but few days prior AF....It is the longest few day ever!!!  Baby dust to all TTC !!!

  8. Good luck to you tooo well I'm feeling the same way really obsess with TTC and the dya of my AF is August 22, maybe the best way is not thinking in TTC at all because you are stressed is worst for this subject... let us know if you are++++  

  9. I hate the waiting game as well! My AF is not due until 8/17/08 and I'm dying to take a test but I don't want to set myself up for failure. I have some symptoms-larger nipples, stomach cramping, gas, fatigue but I don't know if they are PMS symptoms or pregnancy symptoms. Good luck to you and let us know you outcome!

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