
Isn't the fact that the bible teaches that the Earth is flat, enough to discredit it?

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Not to mention the other mistakes and contradictions. Do you just ignore them?

Shouldn't a book inspired by a divine being, be perfect in every way?




  1. lol at the new way to compensate for errors: 'you're reading it wrong'

  2. Yes.

  3. Most of those so called mistakes and contradictions can be easily solved by actually reading what the verse says in context.  Anyone with any kind of intelligence can actually see why most of them are not contradictions.  The others can be explained by actually understanding what the passage in question is talking about.  

    For example, from the website you quoted, the so called contradiction:

    GE 4:9 God asks Cain where his brother Able is.

    PR 15:3, JE 16:17, 23:24-25, HE 4:13 God is everywhere. He sees everything. Nothing is hidden from his view.

    How is this a contradiction?  Have you never asked a person a question that you already knew the answer to?  Why is it assumed that because God asked a question he didn't already know the answer.  

    The Bible is the inerrent Wod of God.  If you are serious about finding out why each of those on that website are not contradictions or inconsistencies, email me and I will go through each one with you.

  4. The Bible is not a textbook of science.  Those who see the Bible as a science book are mostly fundies.

  5. "Isn't the fact that the bible teaches that the Earth is flat, enough to discredit it?"

    If you care enough to ask a question you can at least quote a verse.

    And to answer your question, no, not overall because the Bible is not a science book.  A lot of the literalism stuff became popular in the 19th and 20th centuries anyways.   Most Christians don't read it to learn science, but instead to learn to get to heaven and do God's will.

    Edit  Super Nintendo Chalmers: because you say so right?  

    Why can't you quote a verse.

    Jon Giorgini wrote, "St. Augustine (400's) observed the Bible gives no description on the shape of the earth,"

    Edit2: anyways us amature Bibical scholars who can't even read Greek or Hebrew aren't likely to get to the truth with our *studies*.  It gets very much into gray areas using the english translation.  As wikipedia says, "The flat earth concept appears to be mentioned in (Isaiah 40:22) where it speaks of God "dwelling above the circle of earth" which means a literal circle, from the Hebrew word "chuwg". However in Isaiah 22:18, the word "duwr" is used to describe a ball. This would appear to be in conflict with the Babylonian world view. Job 26:7"

  6. What!

    The Earths not flat!!

    How come we all just don't fall off then?

  7. Sorry, I agree that the Bible is full of contradictions and inaccuracies, but I've never heard it espouses a flat earth. Where does it say this?

  8. Most Christians don't assume the bible is 100% accurate and they don't read it literally either.  That's pretty much just the fundamentalists and evangelicals, who most people regard as completely insane anyways.  If you want to read more about "good christian" fundamentalists and evangelicals google "Westboro Baptist Church"

  9. I agree with Tiffany

    WHERE does the Bible SAY that the Earth is flat?

    And Genesis is the merging of two different creation stories, so, yeah there are a few inconsistencies.

  10. I'm not aware of any verse that says that.

    But it would still not be enough for religious devotees.

  11. It does NOT teach that the Earth is flat!  Haven't you ever heard of something called "poetry"? The "4 corners of the Earth" does not refer to a flat table, but to all the directions. It means that it goes "everywhere".  

  12. I have never heard a sermon on 'the earth is flat'.

    You are making a judgment based on YOUR interpretation of what the Bible says.

    This only really shows what you think, and your obvious bias.

    This really just discredits you.

    An atheist website about what the Bible says proves it.

  13. Yes 'flat earth theory' should have equal time in schools.  

  14. You would think so but people have the ability to rationalize anything.

  15. They'll deny it actually says that, but a flat earth is clearly implied in several verses.

    There's one (I can't remember precisely which verse it is) where someone looks down from a very high altitude and can supposedly see the entire surface of the earth, which isn't possible with a spherical object.

  16. its funny for me how they base there religion on story telling. did you guys know that there were more than 4 gospels. constatine just threw away the other one and picked what he thought was "right".

    They also have the ability to get a moral story from EVERYTHING parables and such. Like we should suffer to become good.????

  17. Quote me some scripture and we'll talk.

  18. Do you like the sunsets?

    Wait a minute, does the sun really set?

    Learn to read better, before you start complaining

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