
Isn't the following just like the history of a serial killer?

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In the last 50 years, the United States Government, through the military, has promoted, financed and participated in over 200 incursions and 20 separate wars, killing at least 8,000,000 people.

1952 to 1979 - 70,000 Iranians killed. (Ayatollah Khomeini, United States public enemy for the 1980s, was on the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) payroll while in exile in Paris in the 1970s, as were Saddam Hussein and Usama bin Laden at different times.)

1954 - 120,000 Guatemalans killed

1954 to 1975 - 4,000,000 Vietnamese and Cambodians killed.

1965 - 3,000 Dominican Republicans killed

1965 - 800,000 Indonesians killed

1973 - 30,000 Chileans killed

1975 - 250,000 East Timorese killed

1970s - 1,000,000 Angolans killed

1984 - 30,000 Nicaraguans killed

1980s - 80,000 El Salvadorans killed

1989 - 8,000 Panamanians killed in an attempt to capture George H. Bush's CIA partner now turned enemy, Manuel Noriega.

1980s - over 700,000 From Libyan, Grenada, Somalia, Haiti, Afghanistan, Sudan, Nicaragua, Brazilian, Argentinean and Yugoslavian killed.

1990s - over 1,000,000 Iraqis killed, including over 500,000 children -- about which Madeline Albright (then, Secretary of State) said "their deaths are worth the cost". (Does George H. W. Bush own 80% of the oil wells in Kuwait?)




  1. In your list you correctly  state some universally known and accepted facts.

    You even do not list the horror of some official reasons which the USA gave for some interventions. You do not mention the dead for torture and famine in the countries where the US "help" was administered, like  Chile, or Indonesia or the destruction left after this help (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia).

    Meanwhile you have a lot of people calling it "hate for America" "exaggerated  data" and babbling in disbelief as if what you say were  opinions or hypothesis.

    Those are facts all the rest of the world knows

    It is amazing how governments can use the card of ignorance in the country of communications, the country that invented the net, and leave hundreds of thousands with no idea about what happens outside their country or what their country did or is doing somewhere else.

    You have said to people full of disbelief a little piece of truth, risking their anger .

    If just few of them will search the net and learn a little bit more you will have made a big job in diffusing truth.

    Johnny Sokko: the USA helped very few. They ruined economies in order to apply their shock and awe theory. Their aid is always  a military one and when it is not it is decided on the base of political opportunity. The US pay less in foreign aid than Switzerland (20 million people), but a lot in foreign bullets.

  2. This is the cost of empire.  My country's owners have no conscience.

    As long as a wealthy few own and operate USA, Inc., the largest capitalist combine on the planet, this will continue.  And those of us in the imperial center are not somehow immune.  Our bosses have a history of abusing the lower classes and minorities at home as well.  

    Are you surprised that some people have no sense or knowledge of their own nation, both in recent events and in history?

    Don't be.  Most Americans' source of history information is a public school system where privatized curricula, materials and testing regimes, under rules like "No Child Left Behind," shovel billion$ into the coffers of corporations like McGraw-Hill and Kaplan.  Meanwhile, teachers' unions are weakened and education levels plummet.  

    We seldom see anything other than news from the servile and prurient U.S. press.  We may not know about the many wars and the thousands of military bases our owners maintain around the world, but we know all about Britney!

    That's why your simple and verifiable list is responded to by some as if it was "hate speech."  They genuinely don't know.  So it can't be true.  "...because we're the good guys."

    Most of us not only don't know our country's history - we don't know about our left tradition, either.

    But the place where May Day was invented cannot stay under this primitive system forever.

    I just hope my bosses don't blow up the world before we get out of this.


    For those Americans who look to "true conservatives" or "true liberals" to save us, may I point out that both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party were in power during the periods of these killings?  The conservative/liberal "alternatives," America's giant game of hard cop/soft cop, can provide no answers.

    Growing up during the early cold war, I always had a sense of an impending catastrophe in near-future history.  Not necessarily a nuclear apocalypse, but a major sea change.  Interesting how Americans grown up since the fall of the Soviets don't have that. Is it simply a matter of not having to worry about that notice from selective service in your mailbox?  Worrying for yourself and your school buddies as you watch the draft lottery drawings on TV?

    Are today's CNN/FOX shots of blown-up bridges and fleeng civilians, interspersed with pictures of people wearing hoods being savaged by dogs or wired to electrodes, just not personal enough for Americans to understand what is happening?

    Think things have been bad?  Imagine the next ten years as the dying planet-spanning behemoth, USA, Inc., continues its decline.  Think gas and food lines at home, with the U.S. regularly and the EU, Russia and China sometimes, involved in a series of murderous brushfire wars and occupations in third world nations.  As the old quote goes, will we see "Two, three, many Vietnams"?

    Oh, and the occasional confrontation between the U.S., EU, China, or Russia.

    More than any other historical scenario, with the decline of empires plus a military technology shift, this period resembles that just before WW One.  Only Woodrow Wilson and the Kaiser didn't have nukes.  Humanity as a whole is in a period far more violatile, and representative of an even greater change in the international order, than European humanity was during the fall of Rome.

    Either there will be  -

    a political realignment to the left, and I don't mean liberal, in the United States, OR

    a centralization and federalization of the EU with a common military that could resist a US invasion, OR

    a World War One-style, every imperial bloc for itself, free-for-all with nukes and satellite weapons.

    Any of these outcomes could take decades to happen. And in the meantime, wars like in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran?, Venezuela? Pakistan?, your guess here?, will kill millions.

    The only force on earth that can address the rapacious American capitalist class, this multi-generational line of serial killers, is the multi-ethnic, multi-national U.S. proletariat.

    Rosa Luxemburg's pre-WW1 comment comes to mind - "socialism or barbarism."

  3. That is definitely a stomach turner

    Although I bet the flag wavers would deny it all.

  4. Better them than us, and better we kill murderous, rapist armies headed by tyrants rather than stand by and let innocents be killed

  5. I strongly believe that all world leaders should be atheists, or at least keep their religious beliefs to themselves and out of government issues. Among that, I believe that absolute power DOES corrupt absolutely. It is very hard for me to understand what these people are thinking when they murder, and risk everyone elses lives but their own. What is it that makes their mind so different than kind, rational thinking people? Where is the humanity in them? You are right in suggesting that power hungry parasites have the same makeup as a serial killer. The thing that most of these people had in common was that their death would benefit the few. Take 9/11 for example. It makes me vomit with I think about all the money, and power Bush and Friends made off this deal. Look how paranoid they are trying to make us with years of "terrorism threat level orange" and c**p. I knew it was all bull.  It was an inside job, like the first bombing years before that was. American are easily fooled by the mainstream media..."they would never do this to would be on the news"  that's what I hear when I speak out.  They want us to give up our freedom for fake security.  What we need is security from them.  All of these politicians need to be wiped out, and we as Americans need to come together to devise a new system.

  6. Can you post a link that supports your exaggerated claims?  Or did you just make all of this up?  And no this sounds nothing like a serial killer.

  7. i've often thought this.  it's too early for me to get into this, suffice to say i agree with Trout.

  8. Serial killers torture animals, start fires and wet the bed.

    I'm sure that the U.S. has tortured some animals and started a few fires...but...I can't recall the big bed wetting...or even imagine it for that matter.

  9. I find it odd that someone accused you of hating the US of A because you had the audacity to point out historical fact

    Serial killer -- I am not sure

    But sociopath definitely

    Lack of remorse lawless behavior unethical and cruel behavior repeated excuses no regard for others and a glib superficial charm - yep a sociopath

    The thing is these are the people you pay to represent you

    You have every right to question every decision they make

    To fail to do so is to become complicit in the activities of your employee's

    The problem is that people approach Presidents as if they were gods or Kings that can never be wrong - they know better they are better they can do no wrong

    It therefore seems blasphemy to some that you have said something uncomfortable to the god King and President all rolled up into one person or one government or a succession of governments

    Odd is that these people who defend this ideology hate that ideology when it is presented to them they deny it they refuse to acknowledge it and yet in the same breathe accuse others of hating their nation when they are critical of the actions of the public servants who are fed and clothed on their dime

    Is the President and the entire government an employee to be monitored questioned and made to account for actions taken

    Or a god like King that is always right  


  10. You see liberals., Conservatives are accused of "copping out" when they claim liberals "hate America".  We are referring to moronic postings like this one.  I'll bet this genius holds more liberal political ideologies than conservative ones.

    But to address the question for the "violation police":  How many people has the US brought freedom to? How many people has the US aided in times of disaster?  You have no idea do you?  It's because you are blinded by some kind of false, immature ideology. Likely brought on by some past instructor or something like that.

  11. Most Americans do not know the 'dirty' little secrets in their own closet.

    Then again, most Americans sleep well at night due to the fact a 'very' small group will keep the lights on at night by doing the violence for them. The violence they deny due to the fact it behooves them in their perfect american dream - about to bankrupt.

    Does it scare you...........

  12. Please stop with the hate of the U.S.A.

  13. Lovely how the US takes the blame for what other countries soldiers do.

    As an example the vietnam war... yes our soldiers were there and yes they killed Vietnamese... but have you mentioned the role that the Russians played or the vietnamese themselves? No to you ALL blame goes to the US because that's what has been drilled into your head. To you those countries were peaceful little paradises until the big bad US came along.

    Sorry but the truth is that the situations you list were bad long before we entered the mix... some we might have made worse and some we might have made better... who's to say.

  14. Fifty-one plus years of living in the White Estates of America has taught me that my country is a hypocritical liar and easily the WORST terrorist nation in history. There are many wonderful institutions in this country, many fine people, great creative artists, beautiful vistas, and freedoms of speech and of the press and of religion that make us a beacon of hope around the world. But the thing is, it's all just a big joke!

    We rant about other nations obtaining nuclear weapons, but the US is the ONLY nation heartless enough to drop atomic bombs on sleeping children, something we did TWICE in the span of three days! And please, no more of the hand-wringing poppycock about these horrific weapons "saving the lives" of the "hundreds of thousands of US troops" who would be lost in an invasion of the Japanese mainland. THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE LIE--and one that Americans have swallowed and regurgitated for over half a century, as a means of assuaging our collective guilt as history's worst mass-murderers. President Truman's own White House diaries PROVE that the US knew Japan was ready to sue for peace! The war was over--there was no "necessary" invasion of the

    Japanese islands--a naval blockade would have been sufficient. Japan's military was cooked. We simply incinerated two hundred thousand+ CIVILIANS to make a point to the USSR, the allies without whose help we could not have stopped the n***s, that any post-war Soviet land-grabs would need Washington clearance. We murdered nearly a quarter of a million CIVILIANS to make a point.

    Guatemala, Nicaragua, Chile, the Phillippines, and on down the list of nations the USA has interfered with or attacked. WE killed Salvador Allende. WE used illegal drug deals to finance an illegal war against the liberating Sandinistas in Nicaragua.

    We even overthrew the government of tiny Grenada because they were too closely allied with Cuba.

    Now here is the thing about Cuba: We have an economic embargo against the island nation because "they are communists"; yet we make BILLIONS in trade with "communist" China. When will the American populace stopping chugging the Red White and Boo Kool-aid long enough to realize that IT IS ALL ABOUT THE BENJAMINS!! We could care less about something as silly as "human rights" when there is money to be made. America is a w***e who will sleep with ANY country if there's a buck to be made. Admit it, countrymen! While we were murdering women and children in Vietnam to "save" them from communism, losing thousands of our own young in the process, we were doing splendid business with the repressive, revolting, and thoroughly repugnant Republic of South Africa, whose own apartheid laws made old Jim Crow sound like Frederick Douglass. Why? Because they had a lot of gold and diamonds, that's why. It is ALL about the Benjamins! We can posture all we want about such hard-to-define yet iconic ideals as "Equality" and "Freedom", but that is talk==we do not walk the walk. Remember, all those pretty little words were written by slaveowners like Tommy Jefferson, who shared his women with the neighbors, and procreated with his slaves so that he could sell his own children!

    People in this country get all whacked up about patriotism and how "great" the USA is. Well, it AIN'T that great. The USA is a selfish and mean spirited nation, and people and our beautiful planet lose whenever weighed against the mighty dollar. Keep in mind that people who refused to serve Hitler were also "unpatriotic". Patriotism is a stupid schoolyard thing--Crips and Bloods---we are ONE people on ONE planet--s***w all your silly lines drawn in the sand. They mean nothing to me---all the Earth is yours and mine.

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