
Isn't the "Prescription Drug" problem in schools a real sign of how messed up the Parents/ Grand-parents are?

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How druged up is America really?

Kids get the prescription drugs from home ... so they're only a reflection of what's going on ... Since kids are masters at copying their parents ... shouldn't the schools be suspending the parents???

Why is society freaked out that kids immitate their parents??? Why???




  1. Society is freaked out by the problem, not where the blame should be placed.

    We all have some responsibility for the emergence of the problem and its continued expansion.

    To me, we should be less concerned with who to blame.  Rather, we should use those brain cycles to help develop a viable solution.

  2. While you are somewhat right about the parents and/or grandparents being the bad examples at home, I have to say that America's drug problem has more in common with the very tragic fact that we have been, for sometime now,  living in a instant gratification society.  We want everything our way and we wanted it yesterday!  For everything we have a pill and we have a pill for everything.  Meanwhile, the whole country is fast becoming a nation of addicts.  I am glad I am not the noly one who sees this sad stated of our nation.  It is time for us to slow things down and really start to separate our needs from our wants.  By the way, have you seen my bottle of chill pill anywhere?  Just in case some hot head reacts negatively against this comment, I need to or may be he or she needs to take one.

  3. You need a chill pill.

  4. no, come on did you go to High school in America? Because I did, and I know if I wanted any drugs at all I knew who to go to and it wasn't my parents! It was friends who got them from Mexico, or from their older siblings or from a neighbour. I mean I'm sure that some parents are to blame but its not fair to say they are the ONLY reason. Now a days i can go to the Dr. and tell him I'm having cramps from my period and get a prescription of pain killers prescribed, next thing you know I'm selling them for 5 bucks a pop, getting enough money to buy other drugs or more of that drug. Its a sad, ugly cycle but their are many factors that led to this. Not just your parents or guardians.

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