
Isn't the statement There are no absolute truths an absolute truth?

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  1. Yep.

    There is absolute truth.  That is a fundamental fact of the universe.  However, many religions blur the lines as to what qualifies as an absolute truth.


    Is it absolutly true that taking someones life in a non defensive situation is wrong? - Yes.

    Is it absolutly true that two men falling in love is wrong? - No.

  2. Yes, but that's alright, because it's falsical anyway.

    Absolute truths exist in mathematics.

  3. You're absolutely right.

  4. That is very true

  5. Well that statement would be an oxymoron, but it would also be incorrect. Maths for example.

  6. The difficulty in that statement is proving it.

  7. absolutely not.

  8. Oh my word thank goodness I wasn't smoking weed when I read that.

  9. Pretty much.

    There is absolute truth.  JESUS is Truth.

    The truth is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die :)

  10. No.

    Sulfuric acid will burn your bare finger if you stick it in the jar every time, that is an absolute truth, every time.

  11. Ooh. You blew my mind. Seriously, that's like the sound of one hand clapping thing.

  12. There is Truth.

    There is Relative Truth.

    There is Absolute Truth.

    God is The Absolute Truth, and The Ultimate Reality; and our ignorance toward and neglect of our Creator is indicative of how fantastic, illusory and unrealistic we really are.

  13. yes.  

    this means what is taught in  collage is incorrect.

    math- please come out of fantasy land

  14. Depends on how you define it.

    I find that when religious people talk about absolute truths, they are really talking about an absolute basis for morality.  Of course, being human, they don't have such a basis, since we don't have absolute knowledge about anything.  But they imagine that their god has this absolute basis.

    In reality, there morality is subjective, not absolute.  A statement that there is no absolute basis for morality is a comment about morality and not a moral, itself.  So, their arguments fall flat from the start.

    Now, the other way people use that phrase is with respect to an absolute way that things are.  First, we don't know if reality is absolute.  According to physicists, it seems that much of reality is in limbo until it has to be one way or another.  Quantum physics has thrown the idea of an absolute in question.

    However, in common discourse, when we say we know something to be true, it is not in any type of absolute sense.  It always has the caveat of "to the extent that we can know anything".  There really is no guarantee that our senses are giving us any real info at all.  However, from a practical point of view, we trust our senses because of the consistency in the responses.  But for all we know, we could be in a virtual world.

  15. Murder is bad.

    Jesus is God and the only way to salvation.

  16. Absolutely

  17. Yes.

    There are plenty of absolute truths.  I am in my living room.  That is an absolute truth.

  18. That is a contradiction, so there must be absolute truths.

  19. paradoxes based on wordplay don't count

  20. I think so.  We have our feelings and even though those feelings and evidences that seem to point to a momentary truth, seem to fade sometimes even in our own lives.  Man tries to explain things, seems like he has it and later finds out it is all different than the thought it was.  We live in an uncertainty stimulus environment and this is the way it is supposed to be.  This environment is a break from Certainty.

    Life does not always seem FAIR!

    Hi!  I am a Forgive Affirmed Spirit and this is what I profess and try to act like.

    Forgive Affirmed Spirit is the belief in a way of life that is a method of grief resolution and functional communication processing involving active listenning, sympathy, empathy and affirmation of shock, denial, anger, guilt, depression, loneliness and hope...a kind of ego-equilibrium seeking methodology.

    A Greater Works of communication and action, a way to learn to love your enemies "Advocating mortal life, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you AS IF YOU WERE THEM!"  

    And nobody is perfect!  NOBODY!  We are all judgeable, hopefully in a graceful discerning way!   We are all doing our best every moment!

    Humans judge everything  as we are a part of it.  Without difference, we have nothing to live for, nothing to witness.  Sin is difference, the relative seriousness with regards to law and survival of other beings, is punishable by the courts. The best way to judge is with as much graceful discernment as one can muster in a given moment!

    Life is the question(uncertainty) asked by the exhaling infinitely compacted imagination invention, or no thing, which is completely certain of everything, completely omniscient or all knowing.

    When I die, I believe I will be in a new state, aware of all that is and yet divided into the nature of dust that I am in, whereupon my dust shall fall.  My being will remain an infinite part of an infinite being and infinite knowledge without my material human being status of now. So there will be a change.

    But my soul, my passions and discompassions, will move on to infinite places of comfort and challenge.  Able to return to this state of uncertainty and free choice illusion for another ride when it is called effectively to do so.

    So that the children of God, the creations of God, .. are actually part in parcel of that God or Creation Energy!

    This  life is a roller coaster ride. Enjoy your passion within it and whatever gathering of two or more in Forgive Affirmed Spirit to make it better can garner.

    Healing be unto you and yours and me and mine in

    Forgive Affirmed Spirit

  21. If you go by the premise that this statement is true, then it is impossible for it to be an absolute truth.  It makes that very statement meaningless.

  22. no...there is absolute truth just like there are laws in this universe...

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