
Isn't the world getting greener? I thought that a wormer world means more rain & smaller deserts not bigger?

by Guest11004  |  earlier

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The sand duns are moving in on China and dust storms reach Japan? Kuwait, a once grassy semi-desert Middle Eastern country, is also getting sandier and sand duns are invading from the north. If you look at Kuwait by satellite images you would see places that are fenced off for oil production that are much darker in soil color all way through making these places stand out while the rest of the state is wend blown desert. Isn't the Monsoon rains supposed to be getting stronger by now and desert lands near the equate supposed to be getting greener? I found somewhere in some site once that the forests in the far North hemisphere are seeing record growth, that makes sense as the world worms up and isn't so cold up there as much but way not yet deserts?




  1. Well areas that were warm get to warm and places cold will get greener its that simple bro.

  2. Warmer just mean its warmer. Humid means it gonna be more rain, because when all that water vapor and humidity rises it will rain but doesn't mean its warmer it will rain. Its two different things. And deserts are described as place will little rain fall each year, doesn't mean just because it is hot and dry and have lots of sand mean it is a desert. Take Antarctica for example, it is a desert but it has loads of snow. And it is actually the largest desert in the world and it is melting away..

    And everything is linked together to make life work. If desert disappears something else will be linked to it and that will disappear. Like if all the insect in the world died, the animals that eats the insects will die and the animals that eats that animal will die and it just keeps getting linked to one thing to another.

  3. hwat?

  4. Yes, it is getting "wormer" and stupider at the same time.

  5. deserts are usually right next to massive tropical forests, sometimes the sand takes over, sometimes the forest does.

    But a warmer world does mean that if the World Average Temerature raises another 5 degress we are all going to be living in North Dekota.

  6. The big factor you're missing is the human factor.  Not as in global warming, but as in desertification (arable land turning into desert because of human activities).  

    In North Africa, most if not all of the desertification is from overgrazing.  Grazing too many  animals on a given area kills the grass and other plants and without their roots to hold the soil, the soil starts blowing in strong winds and the absence of leaf cover allows the soil to dry out faster.  

    Over there, wealth isn't seen in terms of gold, stocks, bonds, property, money, etc, but rather in livestock.  The more goats you have, the richer you are.  The answer to overgrazing is to reduce the number of animals grazing on a given area, giving the plants a chance to recover but telling the nomadic herders they need to get rid of some animals is like asking us to throw $100 bills into a fire.  

    Even though they may understand the long term benifits, they are unwilling to make the short term sacrifice.  Until they do, the desert is going to continue spreading and more and more of their people will starve to death.  

    In short, you can't help someone who is unwilling either by choice or custom to help themselves.

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