
Isn't there a law about being stuck on a plane for an extended period of time?

by  |  earlier

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I know it could be worse, but I was stuck on a plane for over 2 hours yesterday. Isn't there a law or something about how long the airline can keep you waiting? Don't passengers get some sort of compensation for being stuck on a plane?

I remember hearing something about it in the news. If you know what I'm talking about, please remind me of what it is and what the law says. Thanks!





  1. At the moment, no.  There is no law.  You&#039;re thinking of the &quot;Passengers Bill of Rights.&quot;

    If I remember correctly, two hours wouldn&#039;t have triggered that proposed law.

  2. No  but  The New York law is quite that simple. It says that an airline that leaves passengers sitting on a tarmac for three hours or more in New York has to provide fresh air and lights, waste removal services and adequate food and drinking water.It also requires airlines to post complaint information for passengers to contact the federal authorities as well as a new state Office of the Airline Consumer Advocate.

    Passengers Bill of Rights

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