
Isn't there a myth about people who have their second toe longer than their big toe?

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I always heard it means if a woman has feet like that, they will be the dominate one in the marriage...How true is this to you?




  1. no that really is just genetics.. my grandmother had that and she was the very submissive one.

  2. i am a bloke and my 2nd toe is bigger than my big main toe so yea it is not a myth it is true i got it.

  3. I can tell you this. I know a few girls that have longer second toes.  They are pretty dominate.

  4. i heard it just means ur smartt ..

  5. not really  

    but my mom is still dominating.

  6. Only my left foot's 2nd toe is bigger than my first.

    I can be pretty dominate in somethings. In other things, i'm not. Like, my guy totally wears the pants in the relationship -.-

    But he's the only one I give this honor to! I dominate everybody else :P

    So yea, I'd say it's pretty true!

  7. I've heard that if the second toe is longer than the big toe,that person will become rich.

  8. When I was yonger i was in an accident and my big toe was cut off my right foot so i dont know what mine is...

  9. I've heard that too. Mine is bigger and in some of my relationships i totally dominated them and in some of them i was a straight punk, so i really don't think that mean much...

  10. it means the darn toe is deformed.. the big toe should be the big toe see my point lol

    (i have regular toes if you couldn't already tell)

  11. haha. this is an interesting question. my toes are like that, as were my mom's. i've always heard it as well...i guess it's pretty true. i'm not entirely the dominate one in my relationship, but i do feel i have to have the majority of control. i'm an aries as well, so that just adds to it. lol.

  12. I heard the myth that if the 2nd toe was longer than your big toe, than you would "wear the pants in your family". Well, honey... it's totally NOT true. I am the bossiest person in America. haha. I run my household. I am the "house manager". My 2nd toe is shorter than my big toe. Not even close to being the same size. So, in my case, that's a myth.

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