
Isn't there a surgical procedure out there that will tighten your "You know what"?

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Is there really a procedure that will tighten vaginal muscles. Don't suggest kegel exercises, I do them everyday and they don't really help me. I was just born bigger there and would like to tighten it, if possible. Anyone know anything about the surgery? Thanks!




  1. Yes there is, but it will only last until the next time you do the deed!!!  They esentially sew it back together....dosen't sound like fun to me!!!

  2. Yes there is and if you can't bring yourself to type the word "v****a" then you probably shouldn't have the surgery.

  3. There have been mixed reviews for vaginoplasty. Definitely not an area you'd want them to mess up in! In any case, why don't you try a kegel exerciser--like weights for your hooha. Like the Kegelcizer or Kegelmaster. Since they provide resistance, you can get a better workout and tighten the muscles more.

  4. There is a procedure out there but I've not read about good results. I've hear that the recuperation is h**l and it's not really worth it. Talk to your Gyno and see what he/she suggests.  

  5.'s called "vaginal rejuvenation" or vaginaplasty. Read up on it:

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