
Isn't this a better way to settle a tiebreaker in gymnastics?

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I was pissed when Nastia Liukin came in second place to He Kexin on China's gymnastics team in the Uneven Bas final and I think a better way to settle the tie breaker would be this way:

See Nastia liukin lost because she had .966 deductions on her routine and He had .933 deductions but wouldn't that mean Nastia originally had a higher score. 1. both got 16.275 so if the judges would have added on there deduction points that would've showed originally (before the deductions were made) Nastia had a higher score.

Why isn't the tie breaker settled this way the person whose original score was higher?




  1. I love how Americans complain and whine about how they "think" the Chinese gymnasts are underage because they say "even though they were better, rules are still rules" but then go and complain about the rules of the tiebreak. I mean "rules are still rules" right?

  2. Well anything would work for you as long as Nastia gets gold and He gets silver right?

  3. Should have been two golds like in other Olympic sports. If they felt they had to break the tie under the new system of scoring they should have only used the second check of scores to realize it was still a tie and quit there. To go another step into the scores was completely ridiculous!  But Nastia's score was not at any point higher than He.

    For details of how the new system broke this tie go here

  4. i don't understand what you said

    i agree to give them BOTH gold medals

    but they did take it to the next level where they excluded the next lowest score so He Kexin got higher, but i felt bad though

    Nastia did look a little better than He Kexin, but i wished they gave them gold

    but no judges were from china or the US

    so yea..

    nothing we can do

    rules were made by the IOC

  5. They should both do their routines one more time to decide who wins the GOLD.  

  6. They both should get gold

    There were a tied in Boxing, which I do not understand how, but two boxers got bronze medals

    A tied, both should get the medal

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