
Isn't this a sign that Mother Nature CAN respond to environmental embalances?

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The enviro-wackos are out telling us that this is a sign of an imbalance! Balderdash! It's a sign that Mother Nature is fine and doing what SHE does best - bringing balance to the world!




  1. Man has over-stepped his boundaries..messing with Mother Nature, the natural way of things, GODS way.  The earth will take care of itself...and will be here, long after the people that tried to control it and deny it!!

  2. Mother nature is chaotic, it just does what its programmed to do. If global warming takes effect, tornadoes will get worse due to the heat and high humidity in the atmosphere, hurricanes will get stronger due to warmer oceans, mother nature will act eratic. Last year i didn't see one bee all summer, and that was said to be global warming now i constantly see them so i think its just the news hyping it up.

    They basically said if bees aren't around, crops and plants wouldn't get pollenated. So some believed it was a sign of the end of our world.

    Mother nature will destroy us sooner or later the more we abuse her. The weather doesn't need us in the picture, it does quite fine without us, but ironically we need the weather.

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