
Isn't this great news about Kerstin Fritzl?

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I really hope this family are able to rebuild their lives, take new identities and live happily for the rest of their lives. What has happened to them is totally evil and I really am so glad that this girl is getting better! This news really cheered me up today.




  1. Lets just hope the media scumbags leave them alone and stop seeking them out to sell a story.

  2. Im glad that she is getting better - when i heard this story i thought it was awful what this man had one to his own family!

  3. meoow are u talking about kerstin ? or her mum ?

    kerstin ..was the daughter that  joseph had with his daughter ???

    am i right????

    so kerstin dad is also her grandad ??

    p[lease corect me if i am wrong ..

    however yes i think it is great news ..hope they all can get on and somehow have a life ..god bless them ..its been an awful time for them over the years.

  4. Yes it is and I hope that the world will leave them alone so that they can recover from this terrible ordeal and live a very contented life in the future.

    I personally do not want to hear or read of them again because I feel that they need a breathing space from everything. I hope the newspapers and newshounds respect their privacy.

  5. she'll be f*cked up for the rest of her life.

  6. yeah. its  really good news for her to wake up and remember that she was impregnated by her father and her children are also her brother and sisters and she was locked up for years in a basement. rebuild what???

  7. Me too. She does have a very long hard road to recovery, but it's no longer out of reach.

    I really do hope she can rebuild her life (and of course the same for her family!) and hopefully one day raise a happy settled family of her own. xx

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