
Isn't this kind of weird... Osama and Obama & Bid Ladin and Biden?

by Guest58739  |  earlier

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kind of the same...

our country is toasted if they win...

we already have 2 wars we don't need another 3




  1. What's even weirder is that he's named after his father Barack Obama Sr. who was born before either of these two people you have mentioned were even born. Even more weirder is that fact that people associate with names and say someone is like that... even his middle name Hussein is because of the inter-marriage within the area of Africa and the Middle East, it's like naming your kid Smith, Jones, or something like that. There are millions of people with the name Smith or Hussein around the world... that's what's the weirdest, that people make these dumb decisions based on issues that Do Not Affect Your Pocket Book. "Obama will raise your taxes" on the top 5% of the population, the rest of the 95% get at least $1000 tax cut with Obama and only $300 with McCain.  

  2. LET SEE.... Obama has direct ties to known terrorists and their organizations even taking donations from them!!!! Obama has racist preachers for the last 20+ years that were televised giving their hate speeches on national TV!!!!! Obama was raised as a radical Islamic extremist!!!!!! ANd his racist wife, Michelle who once in her adult life is proud to be an AMerican. I thinking McCain is and was always going to will no matter who he picks for what. With a record like Barack Hussein Obama's got, Mickey Mouse could win the Presidency over him.

  3. it is an eery similarity isn't it???  

  4. VERY weird.

    But, Obama could kill someone and videotape the murder, and his devoted followers would still vote for him.

  5. Kind of like Palin and Payless Shoes, they're both kind of tacky and appeal to simple folks

  6. No...Our country was toasted the day that George W. Bush stole his way into office in 2000....And here are the results, he drove a Rolls Royce of an Economy (one that Bill Clinton tried hard to repair in the 1990's by balancing a budget left by Bush, Sr and Regan "No Taxes Plan") and drove it off a cliff by creating a budget deficit going past the limits set by Congress.  He has our country embroiled into two major wars - Iraq and Afghanistan - and yet Osama Bin Laden (the Al Queda Terrorist) is still at large...He LIED to our nation and even Bush's Press Secretary writes that we were duped....and then you want to believe that Obama is the enemy...the enemy is looking at you right in the face every morning you wake up and look at the can't see how your foolish behavior puts your future security at risk everyday because you have ALREADY been duped.  Maybe you simply don't trust yourself and this has absolutely nothing to do with Barack Obama.

  7. Obama did not grow up in America, but in Indonesia. He does not love America.  

  8. The Bush family are business partners with the Bin Ladens, maybe this is why Osama has never been captured. You ever thought about that genius!

  9. then why would you vote Read a newspaper because obviously you do not know much about the elections.

  10. Obama Bin Biden

  11. This is how you make the most important decision every four years, by what someone's name sounds like?

  12. Isn't this weirder... McCain and McDonalds & Palin eating mooseburgers?

    Go to bed.

  13. Hope you eat Tundra !

    You get Moose points for that !

  14. Yes it is.  I hadn't thought of it. Thanks



  16. Well i dont know if the names mean anything but this country is for sure screwed if they win!

    McCain/Palin 08!

  17. 'Cept it's Bin Laden.  

  18. If you don't want a third war, you should vote for Obama. McCain can't wait to start a war with Iran. Remember his favorite song, Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran. And that was his idea of diplomacy!  

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