
Isn't this really crappy of my friend to do??

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Well we are both 16 and just a few months shy of getting our licenses. Tomorrow, though, my mom is dropping my sister off at the airport and won't be able to pick me up from school. So I asked my friend if her dad could drop me off after school at my house. She said "Well, I don't know. I don't want to make him mad or anything." She's not really getting along with her dad right now, but meanwhile I still have no way of getting home and she won't even ask him.. She's being really passive about it even though I have explained that it is sort of an emergency.

All of my other friends aren't legal to drive other people yet or take the bus(the bus doesn't go to my house).

Would you be mad at her? What should I say to her?




  1. well if her dad and her arnt getting along, i get why she wont ask, so you cant be really mad at her, after all its your responsability to get a ride home, not hers

  2. I'm sure she would love to help you but you must respect the fact she fell out with her dad and now feels she cannot ask him for a favour.  Forgive her.

  3. I think it is. If she was a true friend, she would put troubles with her dad aside and try to help you. Obviously, you have no other transportation and you need her dads help. I dont get why she wont just ask. Yes, i would be mad.

  4. Honestly it is really nothing to get mad about i have the same problem to but it is a everyday thing with me and if my friend wont ask i would get mad but i wouldnt show it to them or get into a fight with her about it i just say let it go i mean it is not like she doesnt want to help it is just she isnt getting along with her dad and i mean she doesnt want to get him mad also to even if she did ask and he got mad do you really think he would take you think about it.  

  5. Yes, it is a crappy thing of her not to ask. But it's not crappy enough to be mad at her about.

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