
Isn't this the 2nd time we have read about spiders coming in with the shipment of bananas?

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Is there anything that can be done?




  1. They usually stay round the docks anyway. Although with the climate change they are moving more inland. Its been like that since we started overseas trade.

  2. Well -

    it has to do with how a country "deals" with food from abroad- for example in America they chemicalize, radiate and sterilize food from other countries so most critters don't get a chance but all that "dealing" also removes vital nutrients and vitamins so that in the end your eating the fruit minus the real health benefits.

    England is pretty much mostly organic!

  3. Ban bananas! Horrid things.  

  4. well you will all have to be more carefull , get your mother-in-law to inspect them and she can stare-out the spiders . or buy English banans . we dont have dangerous spiders here unless they have been imported in foreign produce

  5. What a bunch of whiners. It's hard to believe you people were once rulers of the world. It was a bloody spider and they had to call in the RSPCA to deal with it! Did they read it its rights before they apprehended it.  

  6. uhmm... pest control? =D

  7. yeah, the first one was  bannans from asda


  8. i always buy loose bananas because of my fear..i cannot even read that article!

  9. Its been going on for years - I lived close to a Geest factory where they ship bananas and other fruit in and ship it back out to the shops , The majority of the workers there had large spiders and other large insects (that had come in on the fruit) as pets

  10. no you're having deja vu

  11. it's happened more than twice.

  12. It's nothing new. I worked in Tesco's years ago and remember 3 seperate occasions when spiders crawled out of the banana's. I now work in a small supermarket in Cornwall, and just last year we had a large spider in the banana's. Fortunately it was dead.

    The banana's ARE washed before shipping, but the spiders hide deep within the bunches, making them hard to spot.

    Unless you have to stack the banana's on the shelves, like I have to.....I don't know what you're so concerned??

  13. they used to be sent on slow boats so between that and the anti-insect spraying by the time they docked no such creature would survive.  No they are air freighted there is a much greater risk and its difficult to see how it can be prevented 100% now.

  14. Don't import any more bananas I can live without them and I can live without spiders even more.

  15. It is not unusual all sorts of creepy crawlies arrive in imported goods

  16. they're always coming in

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