
Isn't this really sucks!!!!!!!!!!?

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I find that it's easy to have many casual friends or acquaintances but it's quite difficult to find real true friends who you can really trust and who genuinely like you for who you are. I only have a couple of "real friends" but I don't see them as much because one lives out of town and the other is married....oh well...kinda depressing. I didn't think I would be in this situation...guess I'll have to try to just meet new people.




  1. If you were rich or famous you would have all the friends in the world,so become rich and famous.  

  2. Yes, it is tough to find that true friend. I know what you mean. I only have one.

  3. Ahh that's like me to.

    But at the end of the day you should just connect more with your true friends (:


  4. You're so rhetorical, it's scary !!

  5. Yeah. all my favorite friends don't live here. and all the acquaintances I see all the time i can't really trust

  6. I feel you, recently my good friends and I have become to be torn apart little by little, we're all off doing our own thing now and sometimes our schedules conflict, I work or they're working.

  7. It is difficult finding friends who appreciate and accept your individuality. But that's life! People come, and people go... If you're looking for new friends, try meeting people who like and do the same things as you.

  8. Yeah tell me about it. I totally agree. I have like loads of "hi-bye" friends, but only 2 friends I'm open about most things with, and only 1 friend I've been 100% open about everything, and with whom I can talk about anything, personal/world views/ideas anything - my boyfriend.

    It's really annoying at first when you're in highschool and people think you're weird, unsocial, have a lethal disease, freak, but as I grew older, I loved it this way.

    I have the hi-bye friends, the i'll-party-with-you-to-keep-up-appearanc... of friends, but only 2 good friends, 1 of which is my boyfriend (my soulmate).

    It works for me. I just wish other people would stop judging and mind their own damned business. :P

  9. well act as a true friend who cares and stuff when you meet a new person who they can open up to and talk to about anything. then they'll treat you the same way, as a true friend..

  10. You'll meet new people if you keep asking brilliant questions on yahoo for sure! lol

  11. yah it  does suck...

    but there are only a few true friends out of all your friends.

    you cant really trust just any of your friends becuz your true ones are the ones that really know you and will always be there for you.  

  12. yes, i totally agree with you

  13. I know how you feel, it's hard to find anyone half way descent today. If you have one true friend your a blessed man. It could take a life time before finding them. where are you looking to meet people? God will always be there for you, He's the greatest friend you will ever have.  

  14. I know what you mean . I think all the friends i amde are just acquaintances or just another "friend" I dont really have a true friend, kinda sad.

  15. yeah i guess it what u want me to answer...u didnt give me a real question...hahaha

  16. true, you cant really fix it either, so i just live my life trying to be friends with everyone.  

  17. I agree with you, it is depressing.

  18. lee, you are entirely correct, finding real friends, true blue friends,

    is no easy maybe difficult to find real friends, but i feel

    and so do you that it is worth it. you sound like an intelligent

    young man so i feel your idea of meeting new people will

    pay off. good luck!

  19. I dont find it hard

  20. I don't know how old you are, but you have totally understood something it usually takes people well into their 30's and 40's to realize.

    Here's the thing:  keep those good friends close, dude.  Call and chat for a few minutes once a week - find out when is a good time to catch them, maybe at lunch or on their way home from work.  Email or catch them online when you can.  Don't lose the two you know you can count on, no matter what.  Even if you drift a little, and aren't as close, and can't spend as much time together as you wish you could, keep them in your life, and allow for things to "ebb and flow."

    Meet new people, that's totally fine.  But keep the old pals - I let one of mine slide for a few years, thinking we'd always have time to catch up later.  Then someone I knew was killed, very sudden and shocking.  I decided I wouldn't like it much if my bff was killed and I couldn't remember when I last talked to her.  I sucked it up and made contact after 4 years.  We fell in like old pals again, and I keep it up by calling or emailing every other week.  I also made contact with my college roommate, who had been very close to me in school but drifted away for 15 years.  She was a little tougher nut to crack - she loved me, but no longer trusted our friendship.  When time goes by like that, you find that people hold back and defend themselves, and it sucks.  It's taken me two years of steady, regular, short conversations to get her to relax and trust that I'm not going to drift away again.  It's been worth every minute of the work it took.

    If I die tomorrow, both of them will remember EXACTLY when they last heard from me.  I have lots of other friends, but none I love and value quite the way I do these two.  I consider myself lucky to have not ONE, but TWO I feel this way about.

  21. hhaa... welll.... i guess you have to make a lot of "real friends' in school first....

  22. I Know what you mean i have friends that are quite nice but i cant trust them the same as my best friends.. they like me but you can tell there not really interested in me for who i really am.

    My best friends ar with me most of the time so i have nothing to worry about, you will soon meet new people who like you for who you are.

  23. I was friends with a girl for 13 years and we considered each other best friends. I found out that she wasn't a true friend because she never showed up at my wedding, avoided me when I asked for gas money to help her with transportation...also, she never helped me move when she said she was going to.

    Sometimes you don't know who your real friends are until you are an adult and you face life-altering changes. Some people don't know how to be independent and deal with real life. Or they only want to have fun and are scared of facing crisis situations and can't deal with life when things are serious.

  24. I don't have very many "real" friends. Most of them are just people I talk to at school or online. People suck. They're untrustworthy. And they don't care about you as much as you care about them. So to answer your question, yes it's true, and indeed, it really sucks.

  25. I find this more true as I get older. I had a couple of childhood friends but we grew apart as we got older. But I do think that when youa re older and more involved in the world of business, homelife etc. it is more difficult to make true, deep, lasting friendships.  

  26. it is but don't feel bad it's that way for everyone even celebrities for example britney spears only has two real friends tila tequila only has three i have a lot of friends but only a couple real friends now that i think about it i don't think anyone has more than 10 real friends if that so don't feel bad  

  27. Try being a single mom.

    No one wants to be your friend then.

  28. Yeah i really does suck to be stabbed in the back by ppl who you think is ur true friends....i have had that hapen to me numerous times....

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