
Isn't this what happens when people let the Liberals undermine society?

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  1. Liberals are the only normal people.

  2. We need both the left and the right to maintain balance here in  the good ole USA

  3. Yep.

  4. No, that's what happens when someone spends all their time with sheep.

  5. chaos and Katie Couric five nites a week

  6. No, I don' think so.

  7. will people ever realize that both parties suck--i don't care which side of the pond you're on.

  8. Senator Larry Craig and those "Liberals" from Idaho agree with you sir.


    I'm sorry dear sir but beastiality has always been a farmer trait.. a conservative trait.

    Reps have sexual deviation histories that's for sure.  I'll take a good ole' man/woman affair over a closeted g*y man at a rest area.

  10. This report is biased nobody has reported the sheeps thoughts was she over 16 and consenting is more to the point!baaaaaaaaaaaa

  11. Now that's just icky.  Yuck.

  12. What??? So bestiality is a liberal trait? Lol, yea right and I guess undercover married g*y men must be a conservative trait. Your question is past silly.

  13. With this extremely sick society that Britain has become , It would never surprise me if the PC brigade did not change the law so that sheep molesters human right were not infringed .

  14. i can't stop laughing

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