
Isn't this what the American Dream is all about?

by Guest64806  |  earlier

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Sarah Palin has moved up in the ranks in a relatively short period of time. She comes from a working class family, and has fought corruption in her own party and won. She is a powerful woman--a powerful woman who apparently scares the h**l out of the Democrats because she embodies the type of person they want us to believe they are trying to create.

The Dems, the supposed party of the working class, the supposed party for women's rights, are proving that they are hypocrites with their obnoxious criticism.

Isn't Sarah Palin's move up the ladder of success what we as Americans have always wanted? She is living the American dream.




  1. yes

  2. even the lefties  are in aw  

  3. Yes, Hillary made 18 million cracks on that glass ceiling. Perhaps Palin will be the first woman who will actually break it.

  4. maibe we've been caught singing, red white blue and green...

    that ain't my america, that ain't my americain dream!

    sorry, umm, yeah. that song just came to mind. Yeah, sounds like it, the americain dream isn't all about shiny cars and bling bling.

  5. i dont know much about palin, but as far as i know, as long as McCain is president the vp wont matter, and as much as i hope he wont be alive for long, hes longevity cant be predicted

  6. It's really funny of the Democrats are doing exactly what they did to Hillary Clinton to this woman.  She is a reformer, the more I learn about her, the more I like her.  I was a hard core democrat until 3 months ago.  I left it because, as I rightfully concluded, the democrats have turned into mass chauvenists.  I can't believe that the party that stood for women's rights ever since I existed in this country has turned into something so brutal.  I think they're just really jealous and sorry that they didn't pick Hillary as the nominee.  How sad.

  7. Yeah republicans didnt give a c**p about Obama's history, they still trashed everything about him, even his wife and family. So why should democrats praise Palin? By the way, democrat would never go as far to bash Palin's on family like republicans did to Obama.

  8. I agree - I think she was a brilliant choice.  Can't wait to hear more from her!

  9. Bull SH*T....she lives in fricken ALASKA...a town of 5000...she was any FOOL can be mayor and WHOOP DE DOO...she said no to something and anyone else cares about what happens in flipping ALASKA to oppose her!  Give me a fricken break.

    She almost had her brother in law hung by the balls and is under investigation by the legislature for it.

    GET EDUCATED PEOPLE.  Watch TV, read a newspaper, research the internet...don't listen to idiots in here who have half a brain and don't have a clue but to repeat what they hear.

    Yeah...she had NOOOO help at all...won a beauty pageant, married a rich oil mongrel with clout...get's half a dozen townfolk to elect her mayor....uses all her hubby's clout and her charms to make it as "senator" to a frozen wasteland.....what a woman!!!!!  Now she pumps out 5 kids and she's a superstar!!!!!

    Live and learn ladies...that is really how you s***w your way to the top.

    DID YOU KNOW that studies have PROVEN that good looking people are hired EVERYWHERE despite their qualifications....based on GOOD LOOKS alone.,

    Being a looker myself I can tell you it's true.  I had 4 promotions in a year in government...made it into managerial position and was hated and resented by all whose heads I flew over...despite my qualifications and all.  Yes I was qualified but DEFINITELY my looks propelled me there LIGHT YEARS ahead of everyone else.

    Frankly I got tired of being loved as much as I was hated and retired (very young!!).

    Lifes a game and it's easy to step on heads to get to the top...especially when people say here...step on mine please!!!

    Wake up people....this woman is being used and LOVING every minute of it!!!!

  10. How can you POSSIBLY imagine that a woman that no one had even HEARD of 2 days ago can "scare the h**l" out of Democrats?  Only in your warped desperate little mind.  What Democrats see is a pick that, in one shot, completely invalidates the entire Republican strategy.  It makes me wonder how McCain can, at the same time, think Obama is too young and inexperienced to lead, then pick someone younger and with far less experience to be a heartbeat away from the presidency?  How Obama is inexperienced, but Palin is "removed from politics-as-usual"?

    I'm sure she's a very intelligent woman and she's had great success, but in the big picture this is nothing but the most blatant attempt to steal disgruntled Hillary supporters.  It won't work. She has no real experience, she has zero experience in Washington or with big scale politics, and knows nothing about McCain's biggest weakness and THE most important political criteria on voter's minds:  The Economy.  This pick makes no sense, except for that tiny tiny minority that will only vote for a ticket with a v****a on it.

    Say what you will, you're talking to other dieheart Republicans anyway.  It's very clear to us Democrats that McCain is on his last legs, and we couldn't be happier.  If you want to construe that as "scared", go right ahead.

  11. She's a good conservative, she knows politics, and she knows what it's like to come from the "real" world. They say politicians are out of touch with all of the working class Americans, this shows that the Republican party has someone on the ticket they can relate to and they feel they can trust to act in their best interest. The Democrats can't really criticize her or it will really come back to haunt them. You're right, their party is supposed to be the party of the working class and women's rights-- both qualities that Sarah Palin demonstrates. This was a perfect choice for McCain.

  12. Exactly! Sarah Palin, a small town all-American girl who became mayor, governor, and next Vice President. She has accomplished way more than Obama ever will. Palin also has a functioning family and stands for conservative values.

    The media wants you to believe that a biracial, demagauge socialist, unpatriotic, baby killer, enemy appeaser, terrorist friend who wants to run this country into the ground is the American dream.  

  13. Actually, you have it backwards.  She was pulled up the ladder.

  14. Absolutely!  Every little girl in this country should be taking note.  They should be looking at Palin to see what they can become on their own, without the governments help.

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