
Isn't truck racing great?

by  |  earlier

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3 wide on the last lap for the win and a first time winner taking home the checkers...great racin as usual!




  1. Yes it is great. Sure wish it was on regular TV.

  2. oh yes!

  3. kick@$$ racing boys!!!  and now they've got two "rowdy" drivers in the series, at least...

  4. too bad they weren't playing for more than just checkers, Or were you referring to the racing term "taking down the checkered flag" Other than that, all racing is great. It beats throwing a ball around and then chasing after it. And then throwing it and chasing it, and then throwing it and chasing it. My dog can do that!

  5. YEP!  LOL...where'd he get the "checkers"?

    Go Jr.>>>>

  6. Best CTS race of the year! WAY TO GO DONNY!!!

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